GCSE Drama Aims The aims of the GCSE drama course are for students to understand and enjoy drama by: • developing their performance skills, both individually and in groups by understanding the role of actor, director and designer in creating a piece of theatre • considering ways in which ...
To then see in these reports, however accurate or not they are, that the exam boards; AQA and Edexcel and the likes, are messing about saying do not revise for one thing and do revise for the other and then swapping them round on exam day is nothing short of scandalous. You are bei...
本吧热帖: 1-有木有year 10的小伙伴 2-TOP100的英国GCSE中学,不可错过哦!!! 3-GCSE愁淫呐~~ 4-IGCSE & EDEXCEL GCSE 数学题答疑/辅导课 5-CIE、AQA、OCR、EDEXCEL 电子书 真题 6-终于考完了 7-简单的汽车画法 8-惊奇还可以用什么代替 9-二的11次方减二应该怎么用简便运
Average: 3.3 votes)OCR; Edexcel AQAChemistry (GCSE Revision) Design Technology(GCSE Revision) Drama; English Language; igcse past paper chemistrycambridge TriciaJoy. Register; Using GCSErevision. Business, Chemistry, someexcellent paper revision guides educationalbooks summerholidays fast approaching...