To succeed in GCSE mathematics you will need to be familiar with the following fraction, decimal and percentage topics, Adding and subtracting fractions Multiplying and dividing fractions Equivalent fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers Ordering fractions Fractions of an amount Adding and subtract...
Therefore, where a Grade C was previously accepted as a qualification grade in further education or employment, a Grade 4 should now be accepted. Strong pass Grade 5 is referred to as a ‘strong pass’ equivalent to a high C or low B. This shows the student has demonstrated a good under...
Improper fractions and mixed numbers (F) Equivalent fractions (F) One quantity as a fraction of another (F) Converting fractions into decimals (F) Converting decimals into fractions (F) Adding and subtracting fractions (F) Multiplying fractions (F) ...
This means they missed the equivalent of at least one day of school every week.Growing numbers of independent schools are choosing International GCSEs in subjects such as maths instead of normal GCSEs. The Government has not approvedInternational GCSEs for use in league tables so these ...
understanding, in order to be successful at post-16 study. The wide range of subjects that students can study at (I)GCSE level provides an excellent base for them to then complete A level or other equivalent courses. (I)GCSE Subjects Our students are all required to study the following sub...
ASCII code, known as the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, plays a great role in coding. The letters of your keyboard, for instance, have an equivalent number in ASCII code. The ASCII code for the letters, A to Z, range from 65 to 91. When you press, say, A, on ...
GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is the part of the National Curriculum taught to pupils aged 14 to 16 in years 10 and 11. It also includes exams, the results of which have a significant bearing on a child’s future career.
This summer’s exam results season was always going to be challenging for schools, students, parents and universities. Yet around the world, international and independent school students beat the odds to deliver exceptional results and outcomes that put
Approximately equivalent to: C C/B 6 B 50% 789 A A/A* A/A* Top third of C marks / bottom third of B marks Top 20% of A/A* marks 14 Formulae sheets Students will need to memorise many of the formulae currently given in the formulae sheets at the front of the exam papers. ...
8 Problem-solving Which of these ratios are equivalent? A 36 : 16 B 135 : 60 C 28 : 16 D 126 : 56 E 49 : 28 9 Write each ratio in its simplest form. a 20 : 25 : 15 b 36 : 24 : 30 c 56 : 42 : 35 d 16 : 40 : 56 ...