第二paper是关于作者的观点和看法,也是80分,占GCSE的50%。两个paper将持续1小时45分钟。 •OCR:一篇关于非小说文本的paper和一篇关于文学文本的paper。两者都占普通中等教育证书的50%,将持续两个小时,共80分。 •Pearson Edexcel:一篇关于小说和想象力写作的paper,占GCSE的40%,最高64分。一篇关于非小说和事务...
每套paper内容量差不多,不同试卷之间的题型没有太大变化。 Year 13结束,学生参加A-level考试,数学包括3套试卷(都可以用计算器)。每套试卷100分,满分300分。前两套A-level试卷只包括pure maths内容,第三套试卷只包括statistics 和 mechanics问题。 Paper 3的力学跟GCSE和A-level物理非常类似,也就是说17%的A-lev...
A student-friendly textbook that closely matches the specification from Edexcel and provides comprehensive topic coverage. GCSE Business Studies is divided into eight sections, which are in turn divided into units. Each unit has a brief introduction followed by a Business in context section, which pr...
Edexcel GCSE Business - Pearson Schools and FE Colleges 热度: International GCSE English Language A - Edexcel 热度: CentreNumberCandidateNumber Writeyournamehere SurnameOthernames TotalMarks PaperReference Turnover *P43041A0120* P43041A ©2014PearsonEducationLtd. ...
Tutor2u:https://www.tutor2u.net/business 商务学习建议使用tutor2u,这主要是一个A-level网站,但如果在特定主题上有困难,它也会有一些帮助。这是一个很棒的网站,在总结内容方面做得非常好。 计算机科学复习网站 Computerscience:https://www.computerscience.gcse.guru/ ...
G. Students who have studied the extended syllabus content, and take Paper 2 and Paper 4 are eligible for grades A* to G. 第11页 GCSE Business Studies Aims The aims of this syllabus are to enable the student to: • make effective use of relevant terminology, concepts and methods, and...
当当上海外文书店旗舰店在线销售正版《预订Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History Crime and Punishment in Britain Practice Paper Plus:for》。最新《预订Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History Crime and Punishment in Britain Practice Paper Plus:for》简介
Pearson Edexcel International GCSEs are studied in over 80 countries worldwide and in independent schools in the UK. Available in 37 subjects, they are equivalent, grade for grade, to UK GCSEs and accepted by universities globally. Aimed at learners aged 14 to 16, they provide the skills and...
Reasons to choose Pearson Edexcel English A choice of onscreen or paper-based assessment A choice of linear or modular assessment* Free, expert subject support Clear, straightforward and culturally up-to-date question papers Coursework and examination options ...
There are more than 20 subject choices in GCE A-levels, including some less common subjects such as business studies, law, theatre studies and psychology. britishunited.net britishunited.net 學生完成GCSE考試後,學校會為他們安排兩星期的工作,希望藉此擴闊對不同行業的認識。