To do well in GCSE biology, students must understand the circulatory system. This controls the flow of blood around our bodies and has the heart at its centre, but there's more to it than that! Revise and make sure you can recall all you learned in Year
what is the purpose of veins? carry blood back to the heart what is a feature of veins? valves to prevent backflow Which organ produces bile? Liver what is the function of epithelial tissue in the digestive system? lines the organs what is the function of muscular tissue in the digestive ...
Past Papers, Required Practicals, Biology Lessons, The nature and variety of living organisms, Structures and functions in living organisms, Reproduction and inheritance, Ecology and the environment, Use of biological resources, videos and experiments th
production increases and dilutes the excretory products with the result that the urine is almost colourless. 5. The molecule of urea leaves the liver in the hepatic vein which joins the vena cava. The vena cava delivers its blood to the right atrium of the heart. The urea molecule the...
the Edexcel report, also released sample questions from the same board's new GCSE science tests, which were introduced this year.He said the tests, contrasted here with O-Level chemistry and biology questions, were proof that exams are now much easier than 20 or 30 years ago.Among the ...
Compare the treated cubes to the untreated cubes and observe any color changes. The next question: How would you measure this radius in the first place? Nutrients and oxygen need to diffuse through the cell membrane and into the cells. the new 9-1 Science GCSEs GCSE Biology: The ...
Biology Microbiology Practice all cardsPractice all cards Four humours Blood Black bile Yellow bile Phlegm What did barber surgeons do? Practice things such as surgery and bloodletting Wisemen and women Herbal remedies Supernatural cures All based off word of mouth ...
The number of grades 8 and 9 were an increase on the past four years. Strong value-added scores were also achieved by all. There were extremely strong performances from Biology, Design and Technology and Physics. My heartfelt congratulations to our Fifth Form pupils on their GCSE results ...
We are an independent Sixth Form college in the heart of Brighton. We are a friendly and empowering community with a highly personalised approach to learning and pastoral development. We welcome students from both the UK and abroad, giving the school a distinctly international feel and global outl...
the pyramid is the foundation this is large because more people participate at this level. This is the beginner level this is when everyone tries the activity for the first time. Participation level is where people are participating and practising the activity and playing for fun in their own ...