图片来自:A-Level Biology 官网备考A-Level生物的同学们,这个网站对你们来说非常有用。除化学、生物外,该网站运营团队还开设数学、物理、计算机等教育网站课程,感兴趣的小伙伴可以多了解一下。三、GCSE 网站 & APP 1 Hodder Educationhoddereducation.co.uk/ Hodder Education 是英国第二大中学用书出版社,其教材适合...
PapaCambridge 这里有全科每届的pastpaper和markscheme,有很多考试局,从卷子到答案都是很官方的文件,而且更新速度很快。 图片来自:papacambridge官网 值得注意的是,这上面CIE考试局的科目相比其他考试局来说更甚一筹。 🌟网站地址:www.papacambridge....
3.归纳好past paper的要点大纲; 4.essay writing的重要口诀PEEL( Point – Evidence – Evaluation – Link),在写完introduction后,提出第一个观点(point),列出相关案例(evidence),进行一定的讨论和延伸,做出分析和评估(evaluate),在结尾回答论文问题并承上启下(link)。 好消息 圣诞假期小组即将开始招生 ~~ 本次...
In IGCSE Triple Biology, students will study animal & plant anatomy and physiology, microbiology, ecology, drugs, genetics and biotechnology. EXTERNALLY ASSESSED = 100% Paper 1 or 2 45 minutes 30% A multiple-choice paper consisting of 40 items of the four-choice type. Paper 1 consists of que...
Enhance your child’s academic performance with SciencebyMir's tailored tutoring in A-Level and GCSE Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Our experienced tutors specialise in supporting students through IGCSE, Edexcel, AQA, and OCR exam boards. In our live w
This app contains well over 600 multiple choice questions from all aspects of the syllabus. It also has past paper questions, links to videos and a full set of essential notes. Designed for combined and single subject AQA GCSE Biology courses ...
Joseph M.★5.0 (1) Aarhus Universiry - MSc Agrobiology Science tutor, for all three sciences at GCSE and biology and chemistry at A-level. £47/ hour Qualified Teacher Examiner SEND Graduate Book Tutor Online Chemistry Easter Crash Courses ...
Work out biology 'O'level and GCSE OFG Kilgour 被引量: 0发表: 1986年 Work Out Biology 'O' Level and GCSE O Kilgour 被引量: 0发表: 1986年 Work Out English 'A' Level Work Out English A Level was heralded as 'the best yet how-to-do-it guide' on publication by the TES. Now fu...
She now plans go to college to study A levels in biology, maths and PE. Being taught online during lockdown was a "big change" for Chloe but says it has "helped [her] develop as a person". Ela Williams told Sky News she was "really happy" wit...
This app is the most amazing thing to ever grace the planet for a gcse student. It WILL save your live and it WILL save your grades. All I ever did to revise was go through these flashcards and do past paper paper questions. That’s it. They are short, concise and to the point ...