In IGCSE Triple Biology, students will study animal & plant anatomy and physiology, microbiology, ecology, drugs, genetics and biotechnology. EXTERNALLY ASSESSED = 100% Paper 1 or 2 45 minutes 30% A multiple-choice paper consisting of 40 items of the four-choice type. Paper 1 consists of que...
This is a very large bundle and has the max of 20 resources added to it. There is one resource I was unable to add (Physics Paper 2 Revision Sheets). Upon purchasing please contact me on instagrram @sinclaireducation and I will email the other resource. So that I can confirm you have...
现代外语难在于其评估方式繁多。例如,学习A-Level西班牙语,仅能用西班牙语写作是远远不够的,你还需要应对口语和发音评估(Being able to write in Spanish is not enough. You also need to deal with oral and pronunciation assessments),考试时有3个Paper——Paper1考察听力、阅读和写作,这是2小时30分钟的笔试...
考试类别:GCSE 考试科目:Biology A (Gateway Science) 考试单元:Paper 3, B1–B3 and B7 (Higher Tier) 试卷代码:J247/03 试卷年份:May 2018 精选题目1: 题目难度:简单 考点分析:考查osmosis 题目分析:该植物细胞外的溶液有着higher solute concentration也就意味着细胞外的water potential是要低于细胞内的,所以...
其中的科学又包括生物(biology),物理( physics)和化学(chemistry)三个科目,可以选择1-3个科目。选修科目包括:外语,音乐,艺术与设计,地理等。 在GCSE课程结束后,需要参加统一的GCSE考试,成绩主要取决于考试,也有少数科目会根据学生全年的学习情况进行评分。 GCSE重要性: GCSE后一般就是接着读高中,想要进入好的高中,...
▶ Cell biology(细胞生物学) ▶ Organisation(组织) ▶ Infection and response(感染与反应) ▶ Bioenergetics(生物能学) ▶ Homeostasis and response(体内平衡和反应) ▶ Inheritance, variation and evolution(遗传,变异和进化) ▶ Ecology(生态学) ...
▶ Cell biology(细胞生物学) ▶ Organisation(组织) ▶ Infection and response(感染与反应) ▶ Bioenergetics(生物能学) ▶ Homeostasis and response(体内平衡和反应) ▶ Inheritance, variation and evolution(遗传,变异和进化) ... 图片来自:A-Level Biology 官网备考A-Level生物的同学们,这个网站对你们来说非常有用。除化学、生物外,该网站运营团队还开设数学、物理、计算机等教育网站课程,感兴趣的小伙伴可以多了解一下。三、GCSE 网站 & APP 1 Hodder Hodder Education 是英国第二大...
5.背下来“CGP的physics/chemistry/biology Revision Guide”。 现代语言 GCSE包括西班牙语,法语,德语,俄语,阿拉伯语,汉语等,要知道:所有语法和短语都是以词汇为基础的。 学习现代语言Tips: 1.扩大词汇量,反复以句子为单位背记和表达; 2.在写作考试中,学习一些复杂的短语,并记住用不同的时态来表达不同的意思; ...