以AQA考试局GCSE物理课程大纲来说,物理课程大纲主要涉及以下内容: 1. Energy (能量) 2. Electricity(电力) 3. Particle model of matter(物质的粒子模型) 4. Atomic structure(原子结构) 5. Forces(力) 6. Waves(波) 7. Magnetism and electromagnetism(磁和电磁) 8. Space physics (physics only)(空间物理...
以AQA考试局为例,GCSE物理课程内容涵盖: EnergyElectricityParticle model of matterAtomic structureForcesWavesMagnetism and electromagnetismSpace physics (physics only) A-level物理课程内容包含: 核心内容Measurements and their errorsParticles and radiationWavesMechanics and materialsElectricityFurther mechanics and therm...
GCSE物理课程内容涵盖:EnergyElectricityParticle model of matterAtomic structureForcesWavesMagnetism and electromagnetismSpace physics (physics only)A-level物理课程内容包含:Measurements and their errorsParticles and radiationWavesMechanics and materialsElectricityFurther mechanics and thermal physics (A-level only)Fie...
GCSE物理与A-level物理课程内容对比 以AQA考试局为例,GCSE物理课程内容涵盖: Energy Electricity Particle model of matter Atomic structure
GCSE物理课程内容涵盖:EnergyElectricityParticle model of matterAtomic structureForcesWavesMagnetism and electromagnetismSpace physics (physics only) A-level物理课程内容包含:Measurements and their errorsParticles and radiationWavesMechanics and materialsElectricityFurther mechanics and thermal physics (A-level only)...
Atomic structure Forces Waves Magnetism and electromagnetism Space physics (physics only) GCSE物理学与A-level物理学有哪些区别? 一、课程量 GCSE阶段学生需要理解基本的公式和概念,并能够运用物理概念讨论和解释物理现象。 物理作为一门科学科目,会比其他学科更“复杂”一些,但是课程量和其他GCSE科目没有太大区别。
Exam Board:AQA GCSE (9-1) Chemistry WHAT DO I NEED? You should have studied Science and Maths before. You should be curious about how the world works and ready to make connections between what you can observe about the world and scientific principles. You need to be willing to work hard...
以AQA考试局为例,GCSE物理课程内容涵盖: Energy Electricity Particle model of matter Atomic structure Forces Waves Magnetism and electromagnetism Space physics (physics only) A-level物理课程内容包含: 核心内容 Measurements and their errors Particles and radiation Waves Mechanics and materials Electricity Further...
GCSE物理课程的学习内容较多,相对来说也比较抽象。以AQA考试局GCSE物理课程大纲来说,物理课程大纲主要涉及以下内容: 1. Energy(能量)2. Electricity(电力)3. Particle model of matter(物质的粒子模型)4. Atomic structure(原子结构)5. Forces(力)6. Waves(波)7. Magnetism and electromagnetism(磁和电磁)8. Spa...
8. Space physics (physics only)(空间物理) 第一单元Energy (能源)作为GCSE物理学习的引入,对于小伙伴们学好物理学,增强学习信心具有很大作用。而Energy Changes(能量转换)又是能源内容的引入部分,小伙伴们一定要学好这部分内容哦~ AQA GCSE物理Energy Changes(能量转换)有哪些知识点需要大家记住并掌握的呢?