GCSE化学感到吃力的同学,不建议选择A-level化学,因为比GCSE化学难度提升一大截。A-level化学涉及Physical、Organic、Inorganic chemistry。化学需要掌握这三个不同方向的众多topics,有一个方面学得不好,就会拉低整体分。 英国文学 英国文学也难,因为测试的方式不是你习惯的方式。需要比GCSE文学有更深入的思考和分析...
GCSE科学考试局 英国本土有三个主要的考试局:AQA、爱德思和OCR(国际考试局有CIE),学校可以为学生的每门课程自由选择考试局。 由于学校对考试局的选择没有限制,因此一些学校会根据偏好从不同的考试局中选择一些科目。比如,学生可能会学习AQA考试局的英语和OCR考试局的科学课程。 尽管所有的考试局都涵盖基本相同的主题...
Topics 6–10: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere; and using resources. Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 50% of GCSE Exam Board:AQA GCSE (9-1) Chemistry WHAT DO I NEED? You should have studied Science and Maths before....
GCSE Chemistry includes syllabus covered by all exams boards including AQA. We offers everything you need for the best exam results possible, in a simple, clear…
Looking for a GCSE Chemistry teacher? On our platform you can easily find a tutor according to your level and budget. Succeed in studies with ease.
系统平台:Mac / iPad / iPhone / 所有苹果系统 兼容性:需要 iOS 8.0 或更新. $2.99 官方下载 描述 GCSE Chemistry includes syllabus covered by all exams boards including AQA. We offers everything you need for the best exam results possible, in a simple, clear format, right on your phone. By ...
GCSE Chemistry includes syllabus covered by all exams boards including AQA. We offers everything you need for the best exam results possible, in a simple, clear format, right on your phone. By the way, you can learn and improve your chemistry words and terminologies in our glossary. ...