大家要给予足够的重视,投入更多时间和精力学好这门课程。 AQA考试局给生物学应试/学习的建议 AQA建议生物学生: ▶ 参加考试时,阅读试卷正面的信息,确保用黑色墨水或黑色圆珠笔书写。 ▶生物学高分答案通常要求考生在正确的上下文中使用适当的...
大家要给予足够的重视,投入更多时间和精力学好这门课程。 AQA考试局给生物学应试/学习的建议 AQA建议生物学生: ▶ 参加考试时,阅读试卷正面的信息,确保用黑色墨水或黑色圆珠笔书写。 ▶生物学高分答案通常要求考生在正确的上下文中使用适当的生物学科学术语。得分较低的答案往往含糊不清和/或不使用适当的科学语言。
文蓝A-level/IGCSE暑期预习班就是为即将升入A-level和IGCSE学习的小伙伴量身准备的,线上小班授课,利用假期时间提前预习,掌握学科重难点,强化学科逻辑思维,提升做题水平! 我们是爱德思与牛津AQA官方认证考点,学生和家长可以放心选择! 马上...
牛津AQA课程大纲 精心IG&A-level 整理主要科目大纲 涵盖牛津AQA考局数学、进阶数学、物理、化学、生物、经济 (*仅展示部分,全部资料请扫码领取) 回复暗号【学科+大纲】 立即获取福利领取方式! *如已添加,私聊即可 福利面向人群:所有A-level学生 生物科学TOP3: 1.剑桥大学 剑桥本科生物科学课程涵盖在自然科学专业的...
The GCSE Biology App - AQAMore By This Developer The GCSE Maths App Education UK Driving Theory Test for Car Education A-Level Biology App Education The GCSE Chemistry App - AQA Education GCSE Science test Education The GCSE Physics App for AQA ...
AQA GCSE生物学习7个topic:Cell biology;Organisation;Infection and response;Bioenergetics;Homeostasis ...
我们以AQA考试局的课程大纲为例,了解下GCSE生物与A-level生物在课程内容上的差异。GCSE生物学习topic:1. Cell biology 2. Organisation 3. Infection and response 4. Bioenergetics 5. Homeostasis and response 6. Inheritance, variation and evolution 7. Ecology 8. Key ideas A-level生物学习topic:1. ...
15:01 NEXT PREV Description This video explores what is meant by a stem cell before comparing embryonic stem cells to adult stem cells and evaluating both. It then describes therapeutic cloning and discusses how plant meristems are a source of stem cells. ...
我们以AQA考试局的课程大纲为例,了解下GCSE生物与A-level生物在课程内容上的差异。 GCSE生物学习topic: 1. Cell biology 2. Organisation 3. Infection and response 4. Bioenergetics 5. Homeostasis and response 6. Inheritance, variation and evolution ...
Revisersci offers a completely new approach to learning and revision. You can now get all the facts while walking to school, or as the soundtrack to your favourite computer game. The guide not only includes a booklet with clear revision mind maps, but also has a code for bonus printable ...