FourteenGolf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA)chapters have received one-time education grants from the GCSAA, administered through the GCSAA Foundation in partnership withClubProcure. The education grants total $12,000 and range from $700 to $1,000 per grant. ClubProcure has do...
FMC Professional Solutionsplans to build on the success of delivering $8,000 in rewards to 13 participating localGolf Course Superintendents Association of America(GCSAA) starting with a series of events at theGCSAA Conference and Trade Showin San Diego, Feb. 5-10. FMC is hosting various promot...
高尔夫配套:防嗮用品、旅游景区、高尔夫赛事、旅行社、度假村开发等。 展馆信息 美国圣地亚哥会展中心 场馆面积:57200平方米 英文名称:San Diego Convention Center 展馆地址:111 W. Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92101 展会评价 立即评论 联系我们 相关...
John Deereannounced Purdue University as the winner of the 2022GCSAA Collegiate Turf Bowlduring theGolf Course Superintendents Association of America(GCSAA)Conference and Trade Showin San Diego. The winners received a traveling trophy, a $4,000 first-place cash prize and the opportunity to complete...
Riverside; Funded by a Chapter Cooperative Research Grant, with matching funds from the Sierra Nevada GCSA, GCSA of Northern California, GCSA of Southern California, Hi-Lo Desert GCSA, GCSA of Central California and San Diego GCSA in collaboration with the California Turfgrass & Landscape Foundation...
2025年美国高尔夫用品展览会(GCSAA) ⛳️🏌️♂️ 展会时间:2025年2月3日-2月6日 📅 展会地点:美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥,111 W. Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92101 - 圣地亚哥会展中心 🌍 主办方:USGA 🏢 举办周期:一年一届 🔄 展会面积:28000平米 🏢 参展观众:46500人 👥 参展商...