我已经使用terraform脚本在GCP中创建了资源。脚本运行得很好。但我的问题是-如何使用单个脚本创建多个存储桶。我有两个用于创建存储存储桶的文件- main.tf,它包含用于创建存储桶的terraform code。包含存储桶名称、project_id等实际变量的vari 浏览31提问于2021-11-02得票数1 ...
创建帐户后,安装gcloud CLI。它将确保 Terraform 在执行所有请求时具有必要的凭据。安装完成后,运行登录命令对工具进行授权。 配置Google Cloud 提供商 在定义服务器的 Terraform 资源和计费预算之前,您应该在 Terraform 中为 Google Cloud 模块创建提供商配置。 terraform { required_providers { google = { source =...
│ I am trying to create gcp log based alerting policy using terraform using the code given below :- enter code here But getting the following error: Error creating AlertPolicy: googleapi: Error 400: Field alert_policy.conditions[0].condition_threshold.filter had an invalid value of "metric...
问Terraform/GCP --“用户没有访问项目的权限”EN我们需要以sudo权限执行安装和部署操作,因为我们需要权...
terraform-provider-gcp google-cloud-iam Share Copy link Improve this question Follow editedMar 1, 2022 at 20:55 askedJan 28, 2022 at 21:12 Super Kai - Kazuya Ito 1 2 Answers Sorted by: 1 Choose the role"Quota Administrator": Then, apply yourTerraformcode again: ...
Terraform code to make the Google Cloud Platform to Datadog log collection integration easier. - GoogleCloudPlatform/terraform-gcp-datadog-integration
Infrastructure to Code kubernetes golang aws cloud terraform gcp google-cloud hcl infrastructure-as-code terraform-configurations Updated Mar 3, 2025 Go prowler-cloud / prowler Star 11.3k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Prowler is an Open Cloud Security tool for AWS, Azure, GCP and ...
有人建议在vs代码中运行terraform/terragrunt计划,但正如前面提到的,这些都是为了使用git而设置的,这样上面的命令就不能工作了。 例如,我在目录中运行terragrunt init并获得以下错误 代码语言:javascript 复制 PSC:\Cloudrepos\placesforpeople>terragrunt init
Terraform code to instantiate a Cloud Run V2 connected to a Postgres Cloud SQL, on which the pgvector extension will be enabled, with a connection to Redis and continuous deployment through the automatic trigger of Cloud Build. devopsgoogleterraformgcpgoogle-cloudcloud-infrastructuregoogle-cloud-platf...
Terraform CI/CD Production-grade Terraform CI/CD pipelines can be found for Jenkins and GitHub Actions in my adjacent repos: Jenkins - runs terraform code with a specific version of Terraform: fmt (info only) validate plan (saves plan so apply is this exact plan, recommended) prompts for pla...