在GCP(Google Cloud Platform)中,可以通过使用负载均衡器(Load Balancer)来实现两个子域的负载均衡。 负载均衡器是一种能够将流量分发到多个后端实例的服务。在GCP中,有多种类型的负载均衡器可供选择,包括网络负载均衡器(Network Load Balancer)、HTTP(S)负载均衡器(HTTP(S) Load Balancer)和TCP/UDP负载均衡器(...
Service是attach pod也就是组织pod是,以及整合他们的IP为一个endpoint给用户,并且可以进行load balancer。通过对应用的expose进行设置。我认为这是一个设置对外端口的步骤,所以用暴露这个单词。 IP组织方式:Load Balancer IP(对外开放的接口)--> Cluster IP --> NodeIP 删除cluster:gcloud container clusters delete [...
使用Network Load Balancer,可以处理高吞吐量的网络流量。 9. 描述Google Cloud Storage中的多区域存储与区域存储之间的区别。 答案:多区域存储提供更高的可用性和冗余性,因为它将数据存储在至少两个地理位置不同的区域。区域存储则将数据存储在单个地理位置,通常成本较低,但可用性较低。 五、案例分析题 10. 公司...
HTTP(S) Load Balancer: Global load balancer for HTTP(S) traffic. SSL proxy: Global load balancer for SSL traffic. TCP proxy: Global load balancer for TCP traffic. Network LB: Regional LB used to load balance TCP traffic (available internally and externally). Internal LB: Regional LB used w...
network=google_compute_network.example.name subnetwork=google_compute_subnetwork.example.nameaccess_config{// Ephemeral external IP} } } 启动EMQX 节点 创建虚拟机实例后,需要初始化每个 EMQX 节点。首先,您必须初始化并复制init.sh到每个节点。然后下载 EMQX 包并在每个节点上执行刚才复制的 init.sh。最后,分...
network_interface { network=google_compute_network.example.name subnetwork=google_compute_subnetwork.example.name access_config { // Ephemeral external IP } } } 启动EMQX 节点 创建虚拟机实例后,需要初始化每个 EMQX 节点。首先,您必须初始化并复制init.sh到每个节点。然后下载 EMQX 包并在每个节点上执行刚...
To create an internal load balancer for Tanzu Operations Manager on GCP, do the following. Create an internal-facing TCP/UDP load balancer for each region of your Tanzu Operations Manager deployment. GCP Internal Load Balancer (iLB) is a regional product. Within the same VPC/network, client VM...
Calico不需要额外的NAT、隧道、Overlay Network,没有额外的封包,解包,能够节约CPU运算,提⾼⽹络的性 能。 9 存储 1 简述 Kubernetes 共享存储的作⽤? Kubernetes当中⼀些有状态的容器应⽤或者是对数据需要持久化的应⽤,需要保存应⽤产⽣的重要的数据,容器 ...
Currently, due to a Kubernetes limitation, router Pods running on control plane machines will not be reachable by the ingress load balancer. Create a file that is named cluster-network-03-config.yml in the <installation_directory>/manifests/ directory: $ touch <installation_directory>/manifest...
You’ll also learn about Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) managed service that gives you access to Google’s advanced load-balancing technologies, its worldwide network, and GCP’s range of data and machine-learning managed services.The specialization comprises of 4 courses that are delivered as a...