Cloud Run和Cloud Functions是Google Cloud Platform(GCP)提供的两种云计算服务,它们可以用于访问在GCP服务上有IP阻止的网站。 Cloud Run是一种全托管的容器化服务,它可以让开发人员将自己的应用程序打包成容器镜像,并在GCP上运行。使用Cloud Run可以轻松部署和扩展应用程序,而无需关心底层的基...
从操作量来说(从多到少):Compute Engine - Kubernetes Engine - (Cloud Run / Cloud Functions / App Engine) 从workload包罗范围来(从多到少):Compute Engine - (Kubernetes Engine / Cloud Run) - Cloud Function - App Engine App Engine:网络应用,手机后端,特定语言Python,HTTP only,专注快速开发,谷歌托...
集成了GCP的监控和日志记录功能,您可以通过Cloud Logging查看应用程序的日志,通过Cloud Monitoring监控应用程序的性能指标。 自动伸缩配置 根据您的应用程序的预期负载,您可以配置Cloud Run的自动伸缩策略,以实现更好的性能和成本控制。 结论 通过本文的介绍,您了解了如何在Google Cloud Platform上创建和部署一个Cloud Run...
location = google_cloud_run_service.default.location project = google_cloud_run_service.default.project service = policy_data = data.google_iam_policy.noauth.policy_data } 如果从 Google Cloud Console 部署,请复制 Terraform 文件中的配置,并确保允许所有未经验证的...
我有一个云运行实例,我试图用它与另一个安全的 Cloud Run 实例进行通信。后一个实例允许外部流量,但只能通过设置服务账户调用...
要将容器部署到多个GCP项目并使用Cloud Run托管,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 创建GCP项目:在GCP控制台中创建多个项目,每个项目代表一个独立的环境或应用程序。 2. 配置GCP项...
Optimizing Your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Costs is the second course in a two-part series on GCP billing and cost management essentials. This course is most suitable for those in a Finance and/or IT related role responsible for optimizing their organiz
Original issue: open-telemetry/community#2082 by @sdsani Hi Guys, Our team has been asked to deploy an application in google cloud run as a service. Among many other tasks, one action item is about setting up tracing and monitoring for t...
This article will delve into the core differences between these three cloud providers, comparing their strengths, pricing, and technical capabilities.