Johnson & Sharma (2009) proposed variable convergence score (VCS) for Australia, which was used to test the outputs of nine CMIP5-GCMs, eight climate variables and two emission scenarios. Pressure, temperature and humidity had high VCS that influence the climate in Australia. Johnson et al. (...
To test the consequences of this, we computed a single pattern for each model using all the ensemble members of every RCP in the linear regression at once. Then using this pattern we can reconstruct sea level fields and analyse the residuals for each RCP using the same method as before. Th...
Tahsereemxtorvacetds.wTehree ecxotmrapcltestwelyerdercieodmbpylebteilnygdfrrieeedzeb-ydrbiedin(g24frhee) zaen-ddrwieedre(2st4ohre)danatd4w°Cerbeesftoorreedbeaint g4 u◦Csedbe. fore being used. 2.3. Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) 22..33..1A.tSt...