It does not provide any built-in user interface or other handling for message data. GCM simply passes raw message data received straight to the Android application, which has full control of how to handle it. For example, the application might post a notification, display a custom user interfa...
The full error message I get when I try to send the message to the server is: HTTP Status Code:404(<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Not Found</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"TEXT="#000000"> <H1>Not Found</H1> <H2>Error404</H2...
publicclassGCMNotificationIntentServiceextendsGCMBaseIntentService{publicstaticfinal intNOTIFICATION_ID=1;privateNotificationManager mNotificationManager;NotificationCompat.Builder builder;Database db;privateController aController=null;publicGCMNotificationIntentService(){// Call extended class Constructor GCMBase...