gcloud storage.download属性是Google Cloud Storage的一个属性,用于设置从存储桶(bucket)中下载对象(object)时的行为和选项。下面是关于如何使用gc...
// Download a file from your bucket. bucket.file('giraffe.jpg').download({ destination: '/photos/zoo/giraffe.jpg' }, function(err) {}); // Streams are also supported for reading and writing files. var remoteReadStream = bucket.file('giraffe.jpg').createReadStream(); var localWriteStre...
var bucket = gcs.bucket('my-existing-bucket'); // Upload a local file to a new file to be created in your bucket. bucket.upload('/photos/zoo/zebra.jpg', function(err, file) { if (!err) { // "zebra.jpg" is now in your bucket. } }); // Download a file from your bucket....
type: string steps: - run: command: | gcloud storage rm -r gs://<<parameters.bucket>>/<<parameters.path>>/ ||: name: nuke pre-existing folder - run: gcloud storage cp -r <<parameters.src>>/* gs://<<parameters.bucket>>/<<parameters.path>>/ patch-configmap-entry: description: |...
gcloud auth activate-service-account test@development-123456.iam.gserviceaccount.com --key-file=test_google_account.json Step 7 – Verify that the credentials work Change the bucket name to a private bucket that you own. 1 gsutil ls gs://mybucket This command should now succeed. You have...
Create a Google Cloud Storage bucketgs://<projectid>-sigfox-gcloudto stage our Cloud Functions files during deployment, like this: (changemyprojectto your project ID) gsutil mb gs://myproject-sigfox-gcloud Deploy all the included Cloud Functions (including the demo functions) with thedeployall...
If that's the case, bitbucket pipelines isn't compatible with gcloud artifact repo. I created a service account then a service account key file that I downloaded. After that you download it local and run a base 64 command against the file to generate the NPM_TOKEN as described here. Out...
gcloud alpha functions deploy ocr-extract --stage-bucket [YOUR_STAGING_BUCKET_NAME] --trigger-bucket [YOUR_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME] --entry-point processImage 但它给了我这个错误: Error: (gcloud.alpha.functions.deploy) ResponseError: status=[403], code=[Forbidden], message=[Cannot access Google Cl...
datastore_path Path to a file used to store datastore contents (defaults to a file in storage_path if not set) default_gcs_bucket_name Default Google Cloud Storage bucket name enable_sendmail Use the "sendmail" tool to transmit e-mail sent using the Mail API (ignored if smtp_host is set...
// 你的 身份信息 JSON 文件所在位置constkeyFilename=path.join(__dirname,"../src/config/***.json")exportconstconfig={//默认 存储桶名defaultBucketname:'your bacuetName',//存储桶 基本路径storageBaseUri:'image',// image/test, image/2010-10-10/test, 首尾不需 带 ///存储规则predefinedAcl...