我希望能够列出与我的项目关联的所有用户和服务账号(最好使用gcloud CLI工具,但如果需要的话也可以进行API调用)。 我可以很容易地使用这个命令列出与项目相关的所有服务账号,但是如何列出所有用户呢?我期望得到类似于下面的结果,但是文档中找不到任何内容: gcloud beta iam users list - Graham Polley7...
Gcloud无法通过cli分离磁盘-区域中不存在磁盘错误 k8s上的drone.io。letsencrypt无法提供安全连接 PHP:LightOpenID,如何从提供商处获取帐户数据? 无法从IBKR检索帐户摘要详细信息 uwsgi无法从.ini文件提供Django Flutter:无法从showModalBottomSheet访问提供程序 无法从k8s pod内部解析主dns ...
google-cloud-platform、gcloud 当我运行命令时: gcloud projects list 我收到警告: google-cloud-sdk\bin\..\lib\third_party\urllib3\connectionpool.py:986: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host 'oauth2.googleapis.com'. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised...
“gcloud” is the official command-line interface (CLI) tool provided by Google for interacting with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It offers a command-line interface to manage and control various resources and services within the Google Cloud ecosystem. Here are some key points to elaborate on ...
The global generic syntax of the gcloud that also applies the other CLI tools is: $ gcloud GROUP | COMMAND parameters Where GROUP is a service or an account element and COMMAND is the command to send to the GROUP. For instance in gcloud projects list, projects is the GROUP, an element ...
'google-github-actions/auth@v2'with:credentials_json:'${{ secrets.GCP_CREDENTIALS }}'-name:'Set up Cloud SDK'uses:'google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2'-name:'Use gcloud CLI'run:'gcloud auth list --filter=status:ACTIVE --format="value(account)"'#service-account-2@my-project.iam.g...
To start with, we will create a instance using the CLI. Step 1:Get the list of images using the following command. gcloud compute images list Step 2:The following command will create an f1 micro ubuntu instance with the ubuntu image from the highlighted image family. ...
Enable Google Container Registry (GCR) on your GCP project and configure the docker CLI to authenticate to GCR: gcloud services enable containerregistry.googleapis.com gcloud auth configure-docker -q In the root of this repository, run skaffold run --default-repo=gcr.io/[PROJECT_ID], where [...
这个和以前的安装命令是不一样的,估计是要和以前的vue-cli做区别。 如果安装了以前的版本,建议先...
app版本1,只会更新app版本1下的资源版本线 程序更新只走程序版本线,例如 的程序版本...