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Single-girder overhead traveling crane is a lifting equipment which is used for lifting materials across the workshop, warehouse and yard. Because it is located on both ends of a tall cement column or metal stent, shaped like a bridge. The single-girder overhead trav...
《Dear Travelers of the Universe》——Brian Cheng|华语音乐人|「鼠鼠的音乐分享267」 05:33 “在你眼里我是什么颜色 赤橙黄绿又或是透明的”《Falling night (逃离)》——尤长靖|华语音乐人|「鼠鼠的音乐分享268」 04:07 “吃不下睡不着 都怪罪完美主义”《素颜的样子》——YILE LIN 林以乐|华语音...
然而比较让人在意的还是他身旁呢个“男孔雀”不得不说这样的装扮站在一起看起来很有CP的感觉,画面更是美到惊艳,不少网友看到也是纷纷调侃:无法接受! 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pictu...