G= gcd(A,B)returns the greatest common divisors of the elements ofAandB. The elements inGare always nonnegative, andgcd(0,0)returns0. This syntax supports inputs of any numeric type. example [G,U,V] = gcd(A,B)also returns the Bézout coefficients,UandV, which satisfy:A.*U + B....
详细参数 品牌:ThinkPad 型号:E500-90126 上市时间:2020.6 面板:IPS面板 能效标识:一级 显示器尺寸:20英寸 屏幕类型:LED 显示器分辨率:1680×1050 显示比例:16:10热门推荐 ¥285.00· 佳贝艾特(Kabrita) 婴儿羊奶粉 3段(1-3岁)悦白800g 荷兰原装原罐进口 查看商品参数 ¥1960.00· 佳贝艾特(Kabrita)悦...
G= gcd(A,B)returns the greatest common divisors of the elements ofAandB. The elements inGare always nonnegative, andgcd(0,0)returns0. This syntax supports inputs of any numeric type. example [G,U,V] = gcd(A,B)also returns the Bézout coefficients,UandV, which satisfy:A.*U + B....
由题意知:50g AB2和20g CD恰好完全反应生成30g AD2,根据质量守恒定律:在化学反应中,参加反应前各物质的质量总和等于反应后生成各物质的质量总和,可知反应后生成另一种物质CB的质量40g,所以反应物AB2、CD与生成物AD2、CB的质量比是5:2:3:4,故若10gAB2和10gCD反应,实质是10gAB2和4gCD恰好完全反应生成CB的...
G= gcd(A,B)returns the greatest common divisors of the elements ofAandB. The elements inGare always nonnegative, andgcd(0,0)returns0. This syntax supports inputs of any numeric type. example [G,U,V] = gcd(A,B)also returns the Bézout coefficients,UandV, which satisfy:A.*U + B....
B解:由质量守恒定律可知,参加反应的质量总和等于反应后生成的各物质的质量总和,得出50g AB2和20gCD恰好完全反应 生成30gAD2和40gCB,得出参加反应的AB2、CD和CB的质量比为50:20:40,由此得出l0g AB2和10gCD反应时,CD有剩余只反应了4g,AB2反应完了,则设CB的质量为x,有50 40 10,解得x=8g;故选:B。根据质量...
G= gcd(A,B)returns the greatest common divisors of the elements ofAandB. The elements inGare always nonnegative, andgcd(0,0)returns0. This syntax supports inputs of any numeric type. example [G,U,V] = gcd(A,B)also returns the Bézout coefficients,UandV, which satisfy:A.*U + B....
由题意知:50g AB和20g CD恰好完全反应生成10g AD2,根据质量守恒定律,可知反应后生成另一种物质C2B的质量是60g.所以反应物AB、CD与生成物AD2、C2B的质量比是5:2:1:6,故若10gAB和10gCD反应,实质是10gAB和4gCD恰好完全反应生成C2B的质量是12g.故选:A. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
在AB2+2CD=AD2+2CB 中,50g AB2 和 20gCD 恰好完全反应 生成 30gAD2。若l0g AB2 和 10gCD 反应,生成 CB 的质量是 A
cout <<"GCD of "<< num9 <<" and "<< num10 <<" is "<< calculateGCD(num9, num10) << endl; return0; } Output: GCD of34and22is2 GCD of10and2is2 GCD of88and11is11 GCD of40and32is8 GCD of75and50is25 Python Program to Find the GCD of Two Numbers Below is the Python pr...