Contrary to previously reported methods, we neither rely on the extended Euclidean algorithm, nor impose conditions on e or f. The main application of our gcd-free technique is the computation of an RSA private key in both standard and CRT modes based on simple modular arithmetic operations, ...
(e.g., RSA moduli). The algorithm will compute the GCD of each input integer with the product of every other input integer, and output the nontrivial common divisors along with a list of input integers which had a nontrivial common divisor. In the simplest case for RSA moduli, the ...
Batch GCD, in Java, using Fork/Join Batch GCD is an algorithm which was created by D. J. Bernstein to be able to attempt to factor RSA keys, cf. FactHacks: Batch gcd. It has successfully been used in the paper Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Dev...
# 需要导入模块: from Crypto.Util import number [as 别名]# 或者: from Crypto.Util.number importGCD[as 别名]def_nfold(str, nbytes):# Convert str to a string of length nbytes using the RFC 3961 nfold# operation.# Rotate the bytes in str to the right by nbits bits.defrotate_right(str...
Calculates the modulus used to produce RSA signatures from two known message/signature pairs and the public exponent. Since the most common public exponent is 65537, we default to that. Parameters: m1 - (string) The first message s1 - (string) The signature of the first message ...
Since RSA key generation and ECDSA need \\(ext{ GCD }\\) computations or modular inversions, which are often computed by Binary Euclidean Algorithm ( \\(ext{ BEA }\\) ) or Binary Extended Euclidean Algorithm ( \\(ext{ BEEA }\\) ), the \\(ext{ SCA }\\) weakness of \\(ext{ ...
Because RSA key generation and ECDSA require GCD computations or modular inversions, which are often computed using the binary Euclidean algorithm (BEA) or binary extended Euclidean algorithm (BEEA), the SCA weaknesses of BEA and BEEA become a serious concern. Constant-time GCD (CT-GCD) and ...
Design of an Alternative to Polynomial Modified RSA AlgorithmAbass, Banen NajahYassein, Hassan RashedInternational Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science
Verilog HDL Implementation for an RSA Cryptography using Shift-Sub Modular Multiplication AlgorithmYamin LiWanming ChuJournal of Information Assurance & Security
In this project we propose the idea of using a combination of AES-DES-RSA and incorporating it in the Feistal structure. Being a hybrid of three powerful encryption techniques, the algorithm would be an efficient and re...