GCD-DDPM是一个生成模型,由两个阶段组成,即前向扩散阶段和反向扩散阶段。 在前向过程中,变化检测标签x0逐渐加入高斯噪声,通过一系列步骤T实现。 在反向扩散阶段,训练一个神经网络作为噪声预测器来逆转噪声过程,并随后恢复原始数据。A. Diffusion Process of GCD-DDPM ...
To cope with this challenge, this work proposes a generative change detection model called GCD-DDPM to directly generate CD maps by exploiting the Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM), instead of classifying each pixel into changed or unchanged categories. Furthermore, the Difference ...
python scripts/segmentation_sample.py --data_dir xxx --out_dir xxx --model_path xxx --image_size 256 --num_channels 128 --class_cond False --num_res_blocks 2 --num_heads 1 --learn_sigma True --use_scale_shift_norm False --attention_resolutions 16 --diffusion_steps 1000 --noise_...
基于DDPM 模型的高压管汇冲蚀磨损数值模拟黄华宝钱玉宝郭旭涛余米森曹新建Science Technology & Engineering