之后打开新窗口 查看gcc -v 就可以看到版本变了 至此gcc升级完成 搜索一下包 find / -name"libstdc++.so*" 会发现多了几个gcc8.3.0版本的 然后找到后缀是so.6的路径的包 strings /usr/local/gcc-8.3.0/stage1-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs/libstdc++.so.6| grep CXXAB 可以看到已经...
GCC 12 is set to introduce support for the latest Intel and Arm processors, support for using the Mold linker, x86 straight-line speculation mitigations, RISC-V architecture improvements, Armv9-A enablement, auto vectorization at the -O2 optimization level, AVX-512 FP16 support, improved static...
int64_t / uint64_t 后面的可扩展参数(...)用来指出哪些变量需要memory barrier,因为目前gcc实现的是full barrier(类似于linux kernel 中的mb(),表示这个操作之前的所有内存操作不会被重排序到这个操作之后),所以可以略掉这个参数。 bool __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (type *ptr, type oldval type newval,...
GCC 10.3 itself isn't too notable on the changes front in just being a bug-fix point release but it did seethe AMD Zen 3 "znver3" tuning back-portedin its initial form. More benchmarks of GCC 10 vs. GCC 11 coming up soon on Phoronix....
(2APsLZ0q1iLLPfRp2Es5cwUPm357JqidQ8B8JzfgdQpqRXQJSBiRpnfyOJxK807WEs80FCAPpPcHJ7nV6NGKjpLctCvwJ4RjbPT8lir25qocxa1gLIqvNYNGccpv86LKXhoeYegLZPL_Lzi6W8pxP7whjSl4ouwvAl9aYR3feyli_FmjEpdSBA1uHTQO7-6Y), 本站编号101938733, 该高清实拍素材大小为2m, 时长为11秒, 分辨率为720*960, 许可...
This paper examines the impact of competition on the cost efficiency of conventional insurance and takaful sectors in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries between 2009–2016 using a stochastic frontier cost function. Overall, results suggest that the relationship between competition and efficiency is...
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Top Quality Longmarch Lingllong Hemisphere 12r/22.5 Truck Tyre 13r/22.5 12r/22.5 11r22.5 Radial Truck Tires Wheels Tyres for Sale ECE GCC Product display: Other optional specifications for hot sale: TIRE SIZE PR SPEED RATE RIM ...
Roadlux Fargo High Quality Doupro All Steel Heavy Truck Radial Tyre 13r22.5 with DOT Gcc ECE Product display: Other optional specifications for hot sale: TIRE SIZE PR SPEED RATE RIM PRESSURE (Kpa) MAX.LOAD (Kg) SECTION...
分享在Fedora 14安装VM tools与交叉编译器arm-linux-gcc入门教程。 一、安装VMTool 1 、点击虚拟机的菜单 vm --- install VMware tools.. 出现一个文件夹,里面有2个文件,一个是.txt 一个是tar文件 2、在该文件夹下打开终端,为了解压VMwareTools工具 ...