meaningquickly accuratelyDealing passagefrom macroaspect makes wholestructure specificinformation clearly accuratelysince studentscan see both recognizingwords expressions wholepicture about backgroundknowledge Therefore methodcombines traditionalmethod othermethods newmethod students get mastersome effective reading ...
It is the NIOS instruction set that aligns the store word instruction (it appears to truncate the low 2 bits of the store address for STW, but the manual says "undefined", meaning that it might be different in a different version of the processor). No way around it. To store at ...
It might be possible that the depots that fail with I/O errors are invalid SD depots, meaning that they have a different format. If you have a depot file you can easily test, whether it is valid by runnning "# tar tvf my.depot on it. SD depots are really tar archives! What I ...