local modules_json_path, _ = try { function() return os.iorunv(compinst:program(), {"-print-file-name=libstdc++.modules.json"}, {envs = compinst:runenvs()}) end } if modules_json_path then modules_json_path = modules_json_path:trim() if os.isfile(modules_json_path) then ...
终端输入: # -fmodules: Enable the 'modules' language feature# -fsyntax-only, Run the preprocessor, parser and type checking stages#-Xclang <arg>: Pass <arg> to the clang compiler# -ast-dump: Build ASTs and then debug dump themclang -fmodules -fsyntax-only -Xclang -ast-dump main.m ...
2020 暂未定 C++20 第六个C++标准(暂未正式发布): 1) 协程(coroutines) 2) 模块化(modules) 3) Concepts(编译期模板) 4) Ranges 未定 C++23 C++26 附6:C++标准当前状态 注:TS为“Technical Specifications”的缩写,IS为“International Standard”的缩写,TR为“Technical Report”的缩写。分类...
Modules N4720 11 -fmodules-ts __cpp_modules >= 201810L C++14 Support in GCC GCC has full support for the of the 2014 C++ standard. This mode is the default in GCC 6.1 up until GCC 10 (including); it can be explicitly selected with the -std=c++14 command-line flag, or -std=gnu...
And it RAN! I tried GCC 1.39, and too ran! I then made sure there was no assembly modules being called accidentally, and then re-built with GCC 1.27, and yeah, itruns! Armed with a simple port of DooM to Win32, I went ahead and put in the fixed-point solution, and used Visual...
library/std os scripts utilities .gitignore .gitmodules .travis.yml CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE README.md analyze.cmake android-ndk-r10e-api-16-armeabi-v7a-neon-clang-35-hid-sections.cmake android-ndk-r10e-api-16-armeabi-v7a-neon-clang-35-hid.cmake android-ndk-r10e-api-...
In addition, Microsoft has already wrapped the standard library up in a module structure, so you may see the following: import std.core in Microsoft specific examples. Summary Hopefully, this will give you a feel for the foundations of C++20 modules and enough to go and experiment. I belie...
No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic tagucchan@tagvbbuntugcc:~$ sudo docker version Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 19.03.8 API version: 1.40 Go version: go1.12.17 ...
When you have a reusable or logically distinct set of functions, it is helpful to build a library from it so that you do not have to copy the source code into your current project and recompile it all the time - and so you can keep different modules of your program disjoint and ...
C++ module scanning for named modules is now available, based on the format described in P1689R5, Format for describing dependencies of source files. The -fdeps-format=, -fdeps-file=, and -fdeps-target= flags may be used to generate dependency information. In GCC 14 p1689r5 is the only...