若YOUR_MACRO未定义,则打印: note:#pragma message: YOUR_MACRO=YOUR_MACRO 举个栗子: 编译test_macro_msg.cpp: #include<iostream>#definePRINT_MACRO_HELPER(x) #x#definePRINT_MACRO(x) #x"="PRINT_MACRO_HELPER(x)#defineNUMBER_MACRO 3.14159#defineSTRING_MACRO"This is a string."#pragmamessage(PRINT...
#pragma message "Compiling " __FILE__ "..." stringmay be parenthesized, and is printed with location information. For example, #define DO_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma (#x) #define TODO(x) DO_PRAGMA(message ("TODO - " #x)) TODO(Remember to fix this) prints ‘/tmp/file.c:4: note: #pragm...
#pragma message("消息⽂本")⽽我们知道宏定义⾥可以使⽤#将宏定义;借⽤这种机制我们可以将使⽤如下宏定义来便捷地在编译期间打印宏定义:#define PRINT_MACRO_HELPER(x) #x #define PRINT_MACRO(x) #x"="PRINT_MACRO_HELPER(x)#pragma message(PRINT_MACRO(YOUR_MACRO))如果YOUR_MACRO...
使用gcc -E main.c -o main.s定义的 pragma message 会被打印 接下来使用gcc -S main.i -o main.s也会被打印 编译 1.词法分析:分析关键字,标识符等的合法性 2.语法分析:检查,代码是否遵循 c 语音语法规范 3.语义分析:分析表达式是否合法 汇编器 ...
pragma message string Prints string as a compiler message on compilation. The message is informational only, and is neither a compilation warning nor an error. Newlines can be included in the string by using the ‘\n’ escape sequence.
#pragma message "Compiling " __FILE__ "..." 1. string may be parenthesized, and is printed with location information. For example, #define DO_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma (#x) #define TODO(x) DO_PRAGMA(message ("TODO - " #x)) TODO(Remember to fix this) ...
string may be parenthesized, and is printed with location information. For example,define DO_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma (#x)define TODO(x) DO_PRAGMA(message ("TODO - " #x))TODO(Remember to fix this)prints ‘/tmp/file.c:4: note: #pragma message:TODO - Remember to fix this’.
...对于支持#pragma message( “I am here”)的编译器也可使用#pragma message预编译指令。 4.我怎么知道那段代码在那个文件中?...Operating System Concepts这本书对操作系统的概念讲述只能用经典来形容。对于嵌入式系统有兴趣深入研究的同学,首先要把基础打好,这本书就成了必读之物了。 Andrew S....
21 | #pragma comment(lib,"winmm.lib") | ... ^ Build finished with warning(s). Press any key to close the terminal. [wenxue@dad5600 __WXrecx64]$ wine ./ WINMM_REC__great-for-testing-GCC___00.exe HELLOW32GCC.exe .vscode/ [wenxue...
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { #define TEST_MACRO 512 #pragma message(PRINT_MACRO(TEST_MACRO)) return 0; } ### 保证连接不断 ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 root@ ### gcc的连接顺序: 从右往左 cmake的 target_link_libraries 也是从下往上 target_link_libraries https...