会首先查找-isystem指定的所有目录。 ③ OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH 在编译Objective-C程序的时候使用该环境变量。一个或多个目录名的列表由环境变量指定,用来查找头文件,就好像在命令行中指定-isystem选项一样。所有由-isystem选项指定的目录会首先被查找。 ④ CPATH 编译C,C++和Objective-C程序时使用该环境变量。该环境变...
如果要使用#include "file.h",则必须指定路径示例:"/BBB/B.h"个 欲了解更多信息,请阅读In the ...
$ C_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/gdbm-1.8.3/include $ export C_INCLUDE_PATH $ CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/gdbm-1.8.3/include $ export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH $ LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gdbm-1.8.3/lib $ export LIBRARY_PATH http://www.mingw.org/node/25 http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/gccintro/gccint...
PATH 可执行文件搜索路径 C_INCLUDE C头文件搜索路径 CPP_INCLUDE_PATH CPP头文件搜索路径 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 程序运行时动态链接库搜索路径 LIBRARY_PATH 程序编译器动态链接库搜索路径 make环境变量 CC/CXX c/c++编译器 CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS c/c++编译选项 打印GCC搜索库的路径 gcc --print-search-dirs 2.运行时缺少...
1.1 PATH 记录可执行文件的路径,比如我们通过shell执行命令时,shell就会在PATH记录的一系列路径下寻找命令对应的可执行文件。 1.2 *_INCLUDE_PATH 这类环境变量通常会被GCC使用,用来记录一系列头文件目录,GCC搜索头文件时,回去这些目录查找: C_INCLUDE_PATH:记录C语言的头文件目录; ...
mingw么? 你这是windows下的。如果找不到stdio库,请在编译是输入gcc .c文件名 -I库位置。-I是i的大写,后面跟stdio.h的位置
does not change the include path values. I don;t know what is going on behind the scenes. It only seems to work if all of the files are in the same directory (does not mention this in the documentation that I have read) Intellisense has no problem with the include statement It found...
1$sudo tar zxvf arm-linux-gcc-3.4.1.tgz 修改/etc/profile 檔案 1$ sudo gedit/etc/pro 在最後一行加入 1PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin 並更新目前視窗的 Include Path 1$source/etc/profile 更新目前視窗的 Include Path , 並確認是否有 include 成功 ...
basafran, I had the same problem as you - after entering the include path in Properties -> Nios II Application Properties -> Nios II Application Paths they where gone when the settings opened again. I think there is a problem with the access rights of file s...
How to add a default include path for gcc in linux ? Linux - Solution 1: Try setting C_INCLUDE_PATH (for C header files) or CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH (for C++ header files). CPATH will set the path for both C and C++. Linux - Solution 2: alias mygcc='gcc -I /whatever/' click belo...