GCC Program means program to facilitate the development of a low-carbon economy and supporting the climate actions (GHG reduction projects and measures) by implementing and operating a voluntary carbon marketplace to provide recognition to and facilitate carbon finance for the GCC projects. GCC Operati...
class engineering and construction business, pioneering in its field for over 60 years and offering comprehensive construction services via traditional or design and build procurement. We create government buildings, hotels, hospitals, office blocks, roads, utility systems and major structures. We work i...
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole...
Excavation support and earth retention systems Construction of bored pile walls, installation of sheet piles and soldier piles for excavation support systems. More Info Anchors, Soil nails and Rock bolts Installation of ground anchors for shoring works and slope stabilization by installation of soil nai...
Information plans for civil works, indicating necessary dimensions and levels, loads on slabs and bases, etc. The layout of the installation. Instruction manual for operation and maintenance. List of spare parts. Introduction XSG model spin flash dryer is design...