使用-Wl,-verbose 即可。 Pass -verbose option to linker, will show you the default linker script file info. For ex: > gcc a.c -Wl,-verbose
ada,c++,go,brig,d,fortran,objc,obj-c++,gm2 --prefix=/usr --with-gcc-major-version-only --program-suffix=-9 --program-prefix=x86_64-linux-gnu- --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id --libexec
ada,c++,go,brig,d,fortran,objc,obj-c++,gm2 --prefix=/usr --with-gcc-major-version-only --program-suffix=-9 --program-prefix=x86_64-linux-gnu- --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id --libexec
collect2.exe:error:ld returned1exit status".\gcc_template.elf"-1Error(s),0Warning(s). 正如错误提示中指出的那样,CMSIS会在一个叫做 __cmsis_start的函数中,调用 "_start" 函数,而这一函数正是gcc标准启动文件的入口,当你在MDK中选择"Do not use Standard System Startup Files" 时,linker自然就找不...
/* Default linker script for STM32F10x_1024K_1024K Copyright RAISONANCE S.A.S. 2008 */ /* include the common STM32F10x sub-script */ /* Common part of the linker scripts for STM32 devices*/ /* default stack sizes. These are used by the startup in order to allocate stacks for ...
1若使用的芯片不同,则该文件的内容不同/* Default linker script for STM32F103C8T6 */MEMORY{/* ...
/* include the common STM32F10x sub-script */ /* Common part of the linker scripts for STM32 devices*/ /* default stack sizes. These are used by the startup in order to allocate stacks for the different modes. */ __Stack_Size = 1024 ; ...
这个链接过程是通过ld来完成的,ld在链接时使用了一个链接脚本(linker script),该链接脚本处理链接的具体细节。由于静态符号链接过程非常复杂,特别是计算符号地址的过程,考虑到时间关系,相关细节请参考ELF手册[6]。这里主要介绍可重定位文件中的节区(节区表描述的)和可执行文件中段(程序头描述的)的对应关系以及gcc...
Default handler * will be weak symbol and just dead loops. They can be * overwritten by other handlers */ .macro def_irq_handler handler_name .align 1 .thumb_func .weak \handler_name .type \handler_name, %function\handler_name :
Memory Configuration Name Origin Length Attributes FLASH 0x0000000000001000 0x00000000000ff000 xr RAM 0x0000000020000008 0x000000000003fff8 xrw *default* 0x0000000000000000 0xffffffffffffffff Linker script and memory map 内存配置之后是Linker script and memory map,这个很有趣,因为它给出了程序中符号的详细信息...