复制 [phamlab@Server~]$ su –Password:[root@nandycool-virtual-machine]# cd/usr/local[root@nandycool-virtual-machine]# cp/mnt/hgfs/Ubuntu-tool/gcc-tool/gmp6.1.2.tar.bz2/./-r[root@nandycool-virtual-machine]# tar jxvf gmp-6.1.2.tar.bz2[root@nandycool-virtual-machine]# cd gmp-6.1.2[...
Ninad Pathak March 3, 2020 Debian, Linux, UbuntuInstalling the GCC compiler is a very easy task on Debian. The APT package manager and the APT repository has everything ready for you. Let’s look at how we can install GCC on our Debian systems in a quick and easy way. What Languages...
Method 1: Install GCC Compiler from Ubuntu Repositories The fastest way to install GCC on Ubuntu is to use theaptpackage manager. However, installing GCC from Ubunturepositorieshas drawbacks, such as a lack of customization options and potential dependency conflicts. To install the GCC compiler from...
gcc-10.1.0root@ubuntu:/usr/local/src# mkdir gcc-build-10.1.0root@ubuntu:/usr/local/src# ls gcc-10.1.0gcc-build-10.1.0root@ubuntu:/usr/local/src# cd gcc-10.1.0/root@ubuntu:/usr/local/src/gcc-10.1.0# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/src/gcc-build-10.1.0/ 2)依赖包的配置 执行上...
The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a collection of compilers and libraries for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, Go, and D, programming languages. This tutorial covers the steps required to install the GCC compiler on Ubuntu 18.04
After running the appropriate command for the version you want to install, the GCC compiler will be successfully installed on your Ubuntu system. Note:The latest GCC release is typically released on the latest LTS releases; older releases such as 20.04 and 18.04 may not be compatible with GCC ...
Building GCC as a cross compiler for Raspberry Pi How to Build a GCC Cross-Compiler 环境 PC: ubuntu18.04 64位 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz) GCC:gcc version 7.4.0 (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) 正文 下面是我们交叉编译GCC用到的三个软件包:binutils,glibc以及gcc,下载链接...
GNU编译器套装),是一套由GNU开发的开源的编程语言编译器。原名为GNU C语言编译器(GNU C Compiler)...
GCC是(GNU Compiler Collection)的缩写,是由GNU开发的编程语言译器。最初是为C语言而编写,后面陆陆续续扩充了C++、 Objective-C、 Fortran、Java、Ada和Go语言,也包括了这些语言的库(如libstdc++,libgcj等),因此GCC是GNU编译器套件。 Gcc编译器镜像在其官方FTP服务器上可以下载,目前最新版本为gcc-11.2.0。
Building GCC as a cross compiler for Raspberry Pi How to Build a GCC Cross-Compiler 环境 PC: ubuntu18.04 64位 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz) GCC:gcc version 7.4.0 (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) 正文 下面是我们交叉编译GCC用到的三个软件包:binutils,glibc以及gcc,下载链接...