-B Add to the compiler's search paths. -v Display the programs invoked by the compiler. -### Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed. -E Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link. -S Compile only; do not assemble or link. -c Compile and assemble, but do not...
-E 将预处理定向到标准输出 preprocess to stdout -I 添加到包含文件的搜索路径 add to include search path -EP 将预处理定向到标准输出,不要带行号 preprocess to stdout, no #line -X 忽略“标准位置” ignore "standard places" -P 预处理到文件 preprocess to file 语言 -Zi 启用调试信息 enable debuggi...
支持gcc版本的最高的ndk是 NDK R17C,需要下载ndk r17c的开发包。另外最新的x264和ffmpeg代码需要最低...
is part of the operating system). If the GOT size for the linked executable exceeds a machine-specific maximum size, you get an error message from the linker indicating that ‘-fpic’ does not work; in that case, recompile with ‘-fPIC’ instead. (These maximums are 8k on the SPARC, ...
-c 只编译,不链接 compile only, no link -W 设置警告等级(默认 n=1) set warning level (default n=1) -H 最大化外部名称长度 max external name length -J 默认 char 类型是 unsigned default char type is unsigned -nologo 取消显示版权消息 suppress copyright message ...
to generate code for 选择CPU --cpu list Output a list of all the selectable CPUs 输出所有被选中的CPU列表-o <file> Name the final output file of the compilation 最终输出文件的名字 -c Compile only, do not link 只进行编译,不链接 --asm Output assembly code as well as object code 输出...
-Yc[file] 创建 .PCH 文件 create .PCH file -Tp 将文件编译为 .cpp compile file as .cpp -Yd 将调试信息放在每个 .OBJ 中 put debug info in every .OBJ -TC 将所有文件编译为 .c compile all files as .c -TP 将所有文件编译为 .cpp compile all files as .cpp...
如果您仍然无法编译ffmpeg,请尝试使用--enable-cross-compile选项进行交叉编译。但是,这需要您对交叉编译有一定的了解。 相关学习资料推荐,点击下方链接免费报名,先码住不迷路~】 音视频免费学习地址:FFmpeg/WebRTC/RTMP/NDK/Android音视频流媒体高级开发 【免费分享】音视频学习资料包、大厂面试题、技术视频和学习路线...
sunsea_crosscompile/sysroots/x86_64-linux/arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi/include/c++/8.4.0/bits/fs_ops.h:213: undefined reference to `std::filesystem::status(std::filesystem::path const&)'/opt/A23846B01V02A7805M22A_OL_open_sdk/sunsea_crosscompile/sysroots/x86_64-linux/bin/../lib/gcc/...
回头分析CMakeLists.txt文件,发现只有add_compile_options(-std=c99 -Werror)修改了编译器的选项,将其注释,重新编译,好了,编译通过。 那么问题应该是-std=c99导致的(相信大家之所以导入该选项,都是为了for循环时少写一行代码(for int i = 0; i < N; i++)),那么,该为了支持某些比较新的编译器特性,该选用...