(1)预处理(Preprocessing):GCC 调用预处理器使用参数-E会处理源代码中的预处理指令,包括宏展开 #define、文件包含 #include、条件编译 #ifdef、#ifndef、#if、#endif 等,得到的还是源文件,表示为test.i。 $ g++ -E test.c -o test.i (2)编译(Compilation):GCC 调用编译器使用参数-S将预处理后的代码转换...
/usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5/collect2 --build-id --no-add-needed --eh-frame-hdr --hash-style=gnu -m elf_x86_64 -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -o main /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5/../../../../lib64/crt1.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_6...
编译过程的功能如下所示。 预处理:在预处理阶段,主要完成对源代码中的预编译语句(如宏定义define等)和 文件包含进行处理。需要完成的工作是对预编译指令进行替换,把包含文件放置到需 要编译的文件中。完成这些工作后,会生成一个非常完整的C程序源文件。 编译:gcc对预处理以后的文件进行编译,生成以.s为后缀的汇编...
by scanning through it for members which define symbols that have so far been referenced but not defined. But if the file that is found is an ordinary object file, it is linked in the usual fashion. The only difference between using an -l option and ...
Each plugin should define the callback functions specified in the Plugins gcc-4.8.2 Last change: 2013-10-16 22 GNU GCC(1) API. -fplugin-arg-name-key=value Define an argument called key with a value of value for the plugin called name. -fdump-ada-spec[-slim] For C and C++ source ...
by scanning through it for members which define symbols that have so far been referenced but not defined. But if the file that is found is an ordinary object file, it is linked in the usual fashion. The only difference between using an -l option and ...
It works exactly the same, just squeeze what you would type after #pragma in a string literal. And if what you typed happened to be a string literal, then add escape sequences \". Example: #include <stdio.h> #define CHECK_ALL_THE_STUFF \ _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic push") \ _Pragma...
33、,只需在“b”后加入对应的行号即可,其命令如下:(gdb)b1/设置断点1Breakpoint1at0x8048328:filefun3.c,line1.(gdb)infob/给出断点的信息NumTypeDispEnbAddressWhat1 breakpointkeepy0x08048328inaddatfun3.c:1(gdb)rStartingprogram:/root/task/fun3Breakpoint1,add(m=1)atfun3.c:44(gdb)b6/设置断...