More than half of patients (53%) had visual acuity of counting fingers or less in affected eye. In AION various peripheral defects almost universally showed respect for horizontal meridian. Nasal and inferior halves of visual fields were most often affected. PION most often presented with scotomas...
We observed a crucial role for GCAP2 in mouse in compensating the dysregulation induced by the disease-associated E111V-GCAP1 which cannot possibly occur in human cones due to the lack of activity on GC1. Results and Discussion Regulation of the GC1 activity by Ca2+ via GCAPs represents an...
2. To assess whether the sleep disturbance relate to other disease parameters including other quality of life parameters, functional disability, disease activity, co-morbidities, and glucocorticoids therapy. 3. Identify the best clinical approach to help GCA patients recover from their illness through ...
Claudication symptoms may herald impending blindness as the cranial predilection of the disease can involve the posterior ciliary arteries supplying the retina. Visual loss may start unilaterally but can progress to affect the contralateral eye [15]. Stroke is also a small but serious complication of...
Claudication symptoms may herald impending blindness as the cranial predilection of the disease can involve the posterior ciliary arteries supplying the retina. Visual loss may start unilaterally but can progress to affect the contralateral eye [15]. Stroke is also a small but serious complication of...