A world where every child, irrespective of their background, has access to quality care and education, supported by a well-prepared, compassionate, and innovative workforce. IMPACT FRAMEWORK The GCA Collective ImpactFramework At the heart of every educational journey is the child. However, the infl...
SEAMEO Regional Centre for Quality 东南亚教育部长组 织-语言教师与语言 2、东南亚教育部长组织代表团访问北京理工大学: Improvement of Teachers and Indonesia Jakarta IGO /xww/zhxw/103082.htm 教育工作者进修区 Educational Personnel in Language 域中心 The Pacific Community (SPC) 太平洋共同体 Fij i Suva ...
Efforts include making donations to charitable organizations, dispatching staff to assist with disaster relief or other community activities and supporting educational, cultural and sports events. Among other initiatives, we have systems that allow employees to take time off work to contribute to ...