多反应监测 (MRM) 模式下的三重四极杆 MS/MS 仪器示意图 GC-MS的优点与局限性 单独使用GC的一个局限性是,无法通过标准的GC检测器识别未知化合物,但将其与MS结合使用后,可以实现这一点。相反,使用MS直接分析样品时,通常会产生混合的质谱,尤其是当样品中包含多个化合物时,这些混合质谱可能很难解卷积和解释。但...
GC-MS PrincipleSource
This paper introduced basic principle and development of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry ( GC - MS ). 介绍了气相色谱 - 质谱 联用分析技术的基本原理及其在纺织工业中的应用. 互联网 That is known as hyphenated technology , LC - MS and GC - MS. 但是有的时候样品过于复杂或者难以用色谱分离...
Solvent extraction: Many analytes, such as pesticides, are highly polar and therefore amenable to extraction with solvents such as acetonitrile. Upon addition of salts such as magnesium sulfate, phase separation of acetonitrile from water oc...
检测原理Detectionprinciple PID光离子原理 采样方式SamplingMethod 泵吸式,流量可达1L/min,泵的吸力大小有十个档位可调 量程MeasureRange 0-1ppm、0-5ppm、0-10ppm、0-20ppm、0-50ppm、0-100ppm、0-200ppm、0-500ppm、0-1000ppm、0-3000ppm、0-6000ppm 分辨率Resolution 0.001ppm(0-1ppm)、0.01ppm(0-100...
This is the guiding principle behind the QuEChERS technology. Solid phase micro extraction (SPME): Used before both gas chromatography or HPLC, SPME is a sample extraction technique that does not use solvent. Instead, a fused silica fi...
This paper introduced basic principle and development of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry ( GC - MS ). 介绍了气相色谱 - 质谱 联用分析技术的基本原理及其在纺织工业中的应用. 来自互联网 12. That is known as hyphenated technology , LC - MS and GC - MS. 但是有的时候样品过于复杂或者难以用...
[本文引用:1] [15] 欧阳钢锋, 波利西恩. 固相微萃取: 原理与应用[M]. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2012: 13-37. (OUYANG Gangfeng, PAWLISZYN J. Principle and application of solid phase microextraction[M]. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2012: 13-37. ) [本文引用:1] ...
(2014)13-1853-04 QualitativestudyofVOCsfromchemicalrawmaterialsbyGC-MS LIANGSu-dan ZhuhaiMunicipalCenterforDiseaseControlandPrevention,Zhuhai519002,China Abstract:ObjectiveToestablishamethodforqualitativeanalysisof30VOCsinchemicalrawmaterialsbyheadspace-GC/MS.MethodsUsingstaticheadspaceprinciple,whenVOCsfromchemicalraw...