细胞系(cell line)指原代细胞培养物经次传代成功后所繁殖的细胞群体。 也指可长期连续传代的培养细胞。(由此便引申出了后来的有限细胞系(FiniteCellLine)、无限细胞系(InfiniteCellLine)),因此,细胞系狭义的是指可连续传代的细胞(特定环境下口语和书面语都使用),广义是指可传代的细胞。 一.培养基及培养冻存条件准...
关键字:GC-1 spg; 公司简介 我公司致力于肿瘤免疫药研发临床前CRO服务和科研转化服务的国家高新技术企业。为全国客户提供PDX肿瘤标本库、原代ATCC细胞及其它源细胞、动物实验、SCI润色等产品和服务。 近年来我司已累计申报专利30件+,获授权自主知识产权18件,发明专利已授权1件、实审3件、在申报3件。通过广泛与中山...
关键字:GC-1 spg cell line小鼠; 公司简介 上海宾穗生物科技有限公司 是一家集研发、生产、销售与服务于一体的专业生物制品和化学品供应商。公司总部位于上海市莘庄工业区,拥有现代化办公大楼、标准实验室与生产厂房。上海宾穗生物科技有限公司拥有一支由教授和博士为核心的技术团队,提供超过100000的生物、化学产品,产...
GC-1spg小鼠精原细胞系 英文名称: GC-1 SPG Mouse Spermatogonia cell line 总访问: 208 国产/进口: 国产 半年访问: 7 产地/品牌: 雅吉生物 产品类别: 细胞株/菌种 规格: T25瓶/1*10^6 最后更新: 2025-3-3 货号: YS1638C 参考报价: 1800 立即询价 电话咨询 ...
GC-1 spg小鼠精原细胞系 GC-1 spg mouse spermatogonial cell line 介绍 产品详情 该细胞系来源于一10天龄的雄性BALB/c小鼠的经pSV3-neo转化的精原细胞。细胞含有SV40病毒DNA序列。 细胞特性 1)来源:小鼠,精原细胞 2)形态:上皮样细胞,贴壁生长 3)含量:>5x105细胞数 ...
pcDNA3.1(-)/ mTSARG3 was successfully transfected into GC-1spg cell line and showed stable expression in this cell line. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that in the mutant mTSARG3 transfected cell group, the number of cells in G0/G1 phase increased (P < 0.05), the apoptotic rate of ...
T he imm ortal spermatogon ial cell line G C.1 Spg (CRL . .2053TM) was obra ined from American Type Cu1.. ture Collection (A TCC,USA1.GC—l spg cells were cu1. tured in A T CC .formu lated D ulbec co ’s M odifi ed E agle’s ...
GC-1 spg小鼠精原细胞传代细胞,活性好、存活率高、质量保证,生长状态良好,没有细菌 真菌 支原体等微生物污染。GC-1 spg小鼠精原细胞一般以T25培养瓶包装,容积75ml细胞数量可达10的6次方左右。细胞名称:GC-1 spg小鼠精原细胞生长特性:adherent培养基:The base medium for this cell line is ATCC-formulated ...
The aim of the present study was to transfect wild and mutant cDNA of mTSARG3 into GC-1spg cell line to explore its function. Materials/Methods: Site-directed mutagenesis was used to mutate serine 36 to a proline residue of mTSARG3 protein. GC- 1 cells were stably transfected with ...
The effects of over-expression of testis-specific expressed gene 1 (TSEG-1) on the viability and apoptosis of cultured spermatogonial GC-1spg cells were investigated, and the immortal spermatogonial cell line GC-1spg (CRL-2053) was obtained as the cell model in order to explore the function...