若多肽药物的序列中含有组氨酸(His),则需要通过增加第三步操作使氯甲酸异丁酯(Isobutyl Chloroformate, IBCF)与His侧链上的咪唑环衍生化, 减弱其极性而得以分析(图3)。随后,结合同样衍生化处理后的标准品氨基酸在GC-MS上的定位信息以及不同氨基酸特有的碎片离子峰信息[8](表1),通过对比可以准确判断样品肽中相应氨基...
Advances in Field-Portable Mobile GC/MS Instrumentation. Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology 2000;4:3-13.Meuzelaar, H. L. C.; Dworzanski, J. P.; Arnold, R. W.; McClennen, W. H.; Wager, D. J. Advances in Field-Portable Mobile GC/MS Instru- mentation. Field Anal. Chem. ...
GC-MS is the analytical technique of choice for nitrosamine determination and, in particular the use of triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS instrumentation has recently become popular for this application due to its high selectivity and sensitivity provided through selective react...
GC-MS is the analytical technique of choice for nitrosamine determination and, in particular the use of triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS instrumentation has recently become popular for this application due to its high selectivity and sensitivity provided through selective reacti...
本应用文章报告了使用珀金埃尔默GCMS 2400™系统以及珀金埃尔默Elite 5MS毛细管柱对76种有机氯、有机氮、有机磷农药和相关异构体进行分析的结果。应用文章中报告的方法是一种GC/MS优化方法,最大限度地减少了问题化合物的共洗脱,符合EPA方法525.23和525.34的要求,并缩短了分析时间。
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is the most widespread tandem technique in the analytical instrumentation industry. In fact, these systems account for the largest installed base of mass spectrometry instruments. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) is the most widespread tandem te...
ConcurrentMarkSweep 老年代 并发的, 垃圾回收和应用程序同时运行,降低 STW 的时间(200ms) CMS 问题比较多,所以现在没有一个版本默认是 CMS,只能手工指定 CMS 既然是 MarkSweep,就一定会有碎片化的问题,碎片到达一定程度,CMS 的老年代分配对象分配不下的时候,使用 SerialOld 进行老年代回收 ...
本应用文章报告了使用珀金埃尔默GCMS 2400™系统以及珀金埃尔默Elite 5MS毛细管柱对76种有机氯、有机氮、有机磷农药和相关异构体进行分析的结果。应用文章中报告的方法是一种GC/MS优化方法,最大限度地减少了问题化合物的共洗脱,符合EPA方法525.23和525.34的要求,并缩短了分析时间。
Py/GC-MS 1. With FT-IR and Py/Gc-Ms instrumentation, the C-9 petroleum resins were characterized to understand the structure of the resins. 利用傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR)、热解气相色谱-质谱(Py/GC-MS)等测试手段对C-9石油树脂进行表征,以期获得有关石油树脂大分子链骨架、侧链、特征基团等结构信息。