GC/MS Translator 中国总部 | 其他分公司 北京市朝阳区望京北路 3 号 100102 全球电子邮件 +86 800-820-3278 +86 400-820-3278 全球联系电话 关于安捷伦 新闻中心 公司信息 投资商关系 工作 社会关系 与安捷伦合作 大学关系 环境、社会和公司治理 卓越的科学...
Need to staff an event GCMS reaches across the entire country with a database of over 100,000 talented and experienced staffers nationwide Get a Quote New talent registration Become a part of GCMS Talent database and start working events immediately! Join NowWhat...
The data generated from a field transportable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GCMS) was compared to that produced by a GCMS stationed in a fixed laboratory. The field transportable GCMS was established on site and analyzed air samples collected on charcoal adsorbent tubes. Additional collocated ...
GC/MS 采集软件 中国总部 | 其他分公司 北京市朝阳区望京北路 3 号 100102 全球电子邮件 +86 800-820-3278 +86 400-820-3278 全球联系电话 关于安捷伦 新闻中心 公司信息 投资商关系 工作 社会关系 与安捷伦合作 大学关系 环境、社会和公司治理 卓越的科学...
Get on the fast track to better outcomes with Agilent CrossLab new instrument services for GC and GCMS systems. Produce Accurate, Reliable Data and Ensure Your Best Product Quality Confidently monitor and optimize catalytic and other processes with Agilent Refinery Gas Analyzers Assure Composition, Puri...
GCMS-TQ8030 High-sensitivity analysis allows a wide variety of measurement modes, including MRM, scan, combination scan/MRM, and neutral loss scan Features Shimadzu’s UFsweeper® technology, which minimizes collision cell length and provides high-CID efficiency and high ion transport speed ...
Achieve the highest resolution and most accurate mass with our gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) systems combined with Orbitrap technology.
DW Analytical Ltd, specialist service, sales and support of perkin elmer GC and GCMS laboratory instruments. We also offer installations and training.
GCMS-13 uDrop Pesticides Wine Novel multi-residue method for rapid determination of pesticides in wines using GC-MS/MS. Ultra-sensitive, simple, and cost-effective analysis by Bruker µDROP and the EVOQ GC-Triple Quadrupole system LCMS 133 - Detection of PCBs and PAHs in seafood ...