Shimadzu SIL-20A (Prominence) 105 vial tray/SIL-20AC (Prominence) 70 vial tray C C C C SIL-20A/Sil-20AC (Prominence) 50 vial tray, C LC2010C + LC2010A 100 Pos. Tray C LC2010C + LC2010A 350 Pos. Tray LC2010C + LC2010A 140 Pos. Tray C C C C HSS-2B C SIL-20A...
NotethatShimadzudoesnothaveanyobligationtheeffectsresultingfromthe applicationofthecontentsofthismanual. ShimadzuCorporationwillcontinuetosupplyoriginalShimadzumaintenancepartsassociat- edwithagivenproductforaperiodupto10yearsfromthecessationofproductionofthat product.Pleasebethatafterthisperiodoftime,ShimadzuCorporationcanno...
From the headspace, 2 mL were automatically injected into one of the two injection ports (each at 150 °C; split: 1:10) of a GC-2010 Plus gas chromatograph (Shimadzu) using two separate flowlines with similar columns (HP-5 MS UI 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.5 µm, Agilent, Santa Clara...