3:支持Flash Adbanced Pro 256MB卡带(没见过) 来自Android客户端2楼2023-04-10 23:44 回复 daliu的1234 决斗海兽 11 重点:1:软件添加卡带检测功能2:在上面的支持下,支持备份和写入国产D卡无电池版本的卡带的存档3:对卡带psram进行压力检测(烤卡带) 来自Android客户端3楼2023-04-10 23:45 收起回复 ...
nix build github:r-ryantm/nixpkgs/c3c14836d9d5894ecb718d26d64d856a98bdac48#flashgbx After you've downloaded or built it, look at the files and if there are any, run the binaries: ls -la /nix/store/a7pn6circg18v97sq4bav3r06h837hlk-flashgbx-4.2 ls -la /nix/store/a7pn6circg...
FlashGBX v4.0.1Compare Cliffback released this 30 Jun 10:37 4.0.1 b6493a3 App compiled and packaged from the official repo. Contains builds for both Apple Silicon (arm64) and Intel (x86_64). If you can't open it, it probably got quarantined during download. Run the following to un...
我做的这个用usbasp刷入了1.3的固件,不过用最新的3.34flashgbx软件的时候,它要求升级固件,完了就提前bootloader无响应。 来自Android客户端8楼2023-11-03 00:03 收起回复 登录百度账号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信...
Flashcards & Bookmarks ? Please log in or register to use Flashcards and Bookmarks. You can also log in with Facebook Twitter Google References in periodicals archive ? When asked "how bad is it?" Roberts said that GBX is seeing "a lot of customer inquiries" that are leading to orders...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook GBX Acronyms GBX Instocks, a notation used to indicate that apriceisquotedin terms ofpenceinstead ofBritish pounds. See also:GBP. Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved ...
那么【gbxcart烧录器】,在这里就比较尴尬了 对烧录合卡一点帮助都没有 不过,我还是找到了一个待验证的办法: 原理:gbxcart 1.3+flashgbx是可以正确识别到合卡的norflash并且写入的(并且软件最高只支持到256MB) 那么,有没有一种可能:可以将国产D卡合卡(特指在售的2G新合卡)的256MB闪存里的东西全部dump下来,...
FlashGBX新版本简单测试 软件更新到了最新的V3.30版本 有以下几点需要注意: 1:gbxcart v1.3盒子使用3.30版本需要更新l1固件。 如果用回3.29,同样需要更新固件 2:GBflash盒子固件暂时没有,等作者适配 3:gbxcart v1.4官方盒子不需要更新固件 本次主要测试的为新版软件对于D卡存档的读写兼容性情况。 来自gba吧 ...