GBU,全称为"Guided Bomb Unit",其中文含义为"制导炸弹装置"。这个缩写词在军事领域中广泛使用,尤其在讨论战术战术和武器系统时。它的中文拼音是"zhì dǎo zhà dàn zhuāng zhì",在英语中的流行度非常高,达到了9848。GBU属于Governmental缩写词类别,特别应用于军事相关的情境中。具体来说,GBU在...
“GBU”是英文“Guided Bomb Unit”(制导炸弹)的字母缩写,无论是制导航空炸弹,还是制导导弹,都可称为制导弹药。
aim 就是Air Intercepte Missileagm空中截击导弹;AGM是空对地导弹(Air-to-Ground Missile);GBU如果在军事上就是激光制导炸弹Guided Bombing Unit或者引导轰炸单位。
精准打击 GBU-28堡垒克星精准打击贝鲁特楼房。 GBU-28(The Guided Bomb Unit 28)是一款由战机激光导引的空对地炸弹,绰号为“碉堡克星”。是美军预备在沙漠风暴行动中打击伊拉克的地堡而研发。GBU-28以BLU-113为其弹药。它们重达4700磅(2132公斤),并包含630磅的(286公斤)高爆炸药。经试验证明该炸弹可以穿透超过20...
“Great Brighten Umbrella”作为品牌名称,可能没有直接的英文同义表达,但可以用类似的描述性短语如“prestigious umbrella brand”来替代。 至于“glide bomb unit”,同义词可能包括“glide bomb system”或“guided gliding bomb”,这些术语都指代相同的军事技术设备。
GBU Guided Bomb Unit GBU Global Business Unit GBU Good, Bad and Ugly GBU Greater Beneficial Union (Pittsburgh, PA) GBU Government Business Unit GBU Groupe Biblique Universitaire (French: University Bible Group) GBU General Business Unit GBU Grupos Bíblicos Universitarios GBU Gerard, Barbara, Undine...
Guided Bomb Unit 15F 'Aardvark bomb- a bomb that can be guided (by a laser beam or radio) to its target; "smart bombs have revolutionized aerial bombardment" bomb- an explosive device fused to explode under specific conditions laser-guided bomb,LGB- a smart bomb that seeks the laser light reflected off of ...
(T3) is more groovy, the remix to DDDR&B is more dance floor oriented and is being played all over the world, Guided Bomb Unit (T5) is more psychedelic and twisted, Scope (T10) is slower, more like Antidote's music and Fuse (T11) is sort of a approach into the progressive ...