GBS-SNP-CROP(GBSSNPCallingReferenceOptionalPipeline)即:基于简化基因组测序的一个分析SNP的流程(其中参考序列是可选择的,即可以不用参考序列,流程会建立一个Mock Reference)该流程可以最大程度地利用GBS数据并在没有参考Reference的情况下执行SNP基因分型分析。 GBS-SNP-CROP用7个perl脚本建立了整个分析流程。其中用...
在GBS SNPÇ阿灵- [R eferenceöptional P ipeline(GBS-SNP-CROP)经由的顺序的顺序执行集成了定制解析和过滤用公知的,核实生物信息学工具程序,给用户完全访问所有中间文件。 通过采用基于个体内到跨种群多态性模式对应关系的变体(SNP和插入缺失)调用的新策略,该流水线能够从测序和PCR错误中识别和区分高可信变体...
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are revolutionizing both medical and biological research through generation of massive SNP data sets for identifying heritable genome variation underlying key traits, from rare human diseases to important agronomic phenotypes in crop species. We evaluated the ...
2013 . Bridging the genotyping gap: Using genotyping by sequencing (GBS) to add high-density SNP markers and new value to traditional bi-parental mapping and breeding populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 126: 2699 – 2716 .Spindel J, Wright M, Chen C, Cobb J, Gage J, Harrington ...
High-throughput SNP genotyping to accelerate crop improvement. Plant Breed Biotechnol. 2014;2:195–212. Article Google Scholar Torkamaneh D, Belzile F. Scanning and filling: ultra-dense SNP genotyping combining genotyping-by-sequencing, SNP array and ...
The snakemake pipeline based on GBS-SNP-Crop and further extended. DAG The visual overview of the various rules of the pipeline Configuration The pipeline parameter configuration takes place in the file GBS-pipeline_config.yaml (there is an example here: GBS-pipeline_config-example.yaml) Further...
利用 Super-GBS 技术进行基因分型,建立 SNP 标记遗传图谱,采用完备区间作图法(ICIM)开展 QTL 定位.结果表明,在第 1,3,4,8,9 染色体上一共检测到 18 个 QTL,其中,与株高和节间数相关的 QTL 分别为 7 和 11 个.有 10 个主效 QTL 在多个环境中或 2 个性状中被重复检测到,其中 qPH9.1 与已知的株...
Crop Sci 47: 1082–1090. Google Scholar Burgueño J, de los Campos GDL, Weigel K, Crossa J . (2012). Genomic prediction of breeding values when modeling genotype × environment interaction using pedigree and dense molecular markers. Crop Sci 52: 707–719. Google Scholar Crossa J, de...
Single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping using Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP): overview of the technology and its application in crop improvement Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data can be obtained using one of the numerous uniplex or multiplex SNP genotyping platforms that combine a ...
利用 Super-GBS 技术进行基因分型,建立 SNP 标记遗传图谱,采用完备区间作图法(ICIM)开展 QTL 定位.结果表明,在第 1,3,4,8,9 染色体上一共检测到 18 个 QTL,其中,与株高和节间数相关的 QTL 分别为 7 和 11 个.有 10 个主效 QTL 在多个环境中或 2 个性状中被重复检测到,其中 qPH9.1 与已知的株...