| gcluster_send_client_data_timeout | 30 | | gcluster_task_status_poll_timeout | 6000 | | gcluster_wait_query_cancel_timeout | 200 | | interactive_timeout | 1000000 | | net_read_timeout | 1000000 | | net_write_timeout | 1000000 | | node_peer_connect_timeout | 5 | | node_...
gbase.gt.commit.type=0 #timeout gbase.gt.wait.timeout=7200 #timeout to fetch gcluster datasource(second) : default=108000 gbase.gt.gc.fetch.timeout=108000 #thread pool type: 0-fixed thread pool 1-thread pool executor gbase.gt.thread.pool.type=0 #thread pool size(gbase.gt.thread.p...
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50;-- 设置锁等待超时时间 事务优化:对于高并发应用,合理使用事务是至关重要的。尽量减少事务的粒度,避免长事务导致的锁争用和性能问题。 提交事务: TRANSACTION; -- 执行多个数据库操作 COMMIT; 4. 数据分区与分片 对于大规模数据集,GBase 支持数据分区和分片技术,能够有效提高数据...
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50;-- 设置锁等待超时时间 事务优化:对于高并发应用,合理使用事务是至关重要的。尽量减少事务的粒度,避免长事务导致的锁争用和性能问题。 提交事务: TRANSACTION; -- 执行多个数据库操作 COMMIT; 4. 数据分区与分片 对于大规模数据集,GBase 支持数据分区和分片技术,能够有效提高数据...
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50; -- 设置锁等待超时时间 事务优化:对于高并发应用,合理使用事务是至关重要的。尽量减少事务的粒度,避免长事务导致的锁争用和性能问题。 提交事务: TRANSACTION;-- 执行多个数据库操作COMMIT; 4. 数据分区与分片 对于大规模数据集,GBase 支持数据分区和分片技术,能够有效提高数据库...
#timeout gbase.gt.wait.timeout=7200 #timeout to fetch gcluster datasource(second) : default=108000 gbase.gt.gc.fetch.timeout=108000 #thread pool type: 0-fixed thread pool 1-thread pool executor gbase.gt.thread.pool.type=0 #thread pool size(gbase.gt.thread.pool.type=0 effect) ...
ERROR: Lock wait timeout: thread 140533638080272 waiting for ShareLock on relation 16409 of database 13218 after 1200000.122 ms ERROR: Lock wait timeout: thread 140533638080272 waiting for AccessExclusiveLock on relation 16409 of database 13218 after 1200000.193 ms 问题原因 SQL语句需要加锁的...
gbase.gt.wait.timeout=7200 timeout to fetch gcluster datasource(second) : default=108000 gbase.gt.gc.fetch.timeout=108000 增加目标集群35的ip地址到网关的配置文件中/opt/dblink/GBase8a_MPP_Cluster_Gateway_8.5.1.2_build4.10/conf/gcluster/gbase8a_gcluster.properties[gc25]gcluster_IP=192.168....
#timeout gbase.gt.wait.timeout=7200 #timeout to fetch gcluster datasource(second) : default=108000 gbase.gt.gc.fetch.timeout=108000 #thread pool type: 0-fixed thread pool 1-thread pool executor gbase.gt.thread.pool.type=0 #thread pool size(gbase.gt.thread.pool.type=0 effect) ...
ERROR: Lock wait timeout: thread 140533638080272 waiting for ShareLock on relation 16409 of database 13218 after 1200000.122 ms ERROR: Lock wait timeout: thread 140533638080272 waiting for AccessExclusiveLock on relation 16409 of database 13218 after 1200000.193 ms ...