Emerald Isle (1985)(Level 9)[EMERALD Start] Emerald Isle (1985)(Level 9)[a][EMERALD Start] Emerald Isle (1985)(Level 9)[a2][EMERALD Start] Pokemon FireRed ROM GBA Download Pokemon Sapphire Rom GBA Download Pokemon Ultra Violet Rom v1.22 [GBA] Download ...
If Pokemon Orange Islands is based on the anime, this hack is based on the manga series. Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter follows or at least utilizes some aspects of the manga with the same title. Several features and updates are included. Gen 1 to 3 Pokemon are available as well as the F...
Pokémon Scarlet & Violet GBA 【GBA宝可梦 口袋妖怪多人联机】『强悍改版』1200多精灵、极巨化、Z招式~新增其他主角、作弊、多宠跟随等!Pokémon Quetzal 【GBA宝可梦 口袋妖怪航海者v0.3.4】『国外改版』原创剧情、可自订角色~八代精灵+76原创精灵!Pokemon Voyager...
14. Pokémon Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma: Here comes Ultra Shiny Gold Sigma, a popular ROM hack of Pokémon FireRed that provides you with an exciting enhanced version of Pokémon Silver, Gold, and Crystal. With an extensive list of Pokémon in the game, players can never get bored of it, and...
1018种宝可梦!原创形态和全新超级进化!太晶化和Mega并存!全新地区、全新剧情! 【GBA宝可梦 口袋妖怪回忆】『九代精灵』新故事情节与独家事件~Mega、超级虫洞、彩虹火箭队等新的挑战展开!Pokemon Memories 1025种宝可梦!全新Mega形态和可以提高个体值的道具?新剧情、新地图!最近的两个宝可梦PC同人佳作!
Hack Pokémon: Ultra Violet Version Adventure, Role-playing (RPG) 3 3 7.42 M Hack Pokémon: Dark Rising Adventure, Role-playing (RPG), Turn-based strategy (TBS) 4 5 1.98 M Hack Fire Emblem: Corrupt Theocracy Role-Playing, Strategy 5 4 766.54 K Hack Castlevania: Harmony of Disson...
In the region of Kanto, there was once a trainer by the name of Red who fought his way through multiple gyms, Team Rocket, and other obstacles in order to become a Pokemon master. On the other hand, hardly anyone in Kanto remembers that legend anymore. There have been a great deal of...
Pokemon Scarlet e Violet 【GBA宝可梦 口袋妖怪盖亚v3.2】No.1『最新汉化』打赢馆主不给徽章跑掉是咋回事?面临天灾该又如何阻止?全新剧情等你探索!Pokemon Gaia 【激进红4.0】硬核模式 3只精灵0阵亡- 八大道馆合集 【GBA宝可梦 口袋妖怪新终红】『伤药魔法』Mega进化、极巨化、全八代+原创精灵抓个痛快!
永久Mega在裡面~Pokemon Ultra Red Infinity 【GBA宝可梦 口袋妖怪索尼克兽】『国外改版』当你的初始伙伴就是音速小子!?Sonicmon Fire Red 【GBA宝可梦 口袋妖怪嚯红】『合集』今天是面见网友奔现的重要日子!惊的主角都开口说话了~ 【GBA宝可梦 口袋妖怪朱紫】『最终版本』莉可就是主角~新增未知的传说宝可梦 太乐...