Alzheimer's Disease Medical,Neurology,Health CT Computed Tomography Medical,Health,Healthcare SD Standard Deviation Medical,Healthcare,Health ASM Anti-Seizure Medication Neurology,Medical,Health What's Next? Explore Further… Contribute an Abbreviation:Have an abbreviation we haven't listed?Add your knowle...
A Medical Dictionary & Medical Abbreviations App for a Dr., student, or Patient. Drlogy Medical Dictionary App contains 25,000+ detailed definitions of medical terminology or medical abbreviation topics related to health & all diseases like white blood cells, migraine, headache, heart disease & di...
舍abandon退疳疾发热 abate gan1 disease heat effusion退热abate heat退热熄风 abate heat and extinguish wind退热abate heat [effusion] (fever)退疸abate jaundice退黄abate jaundice退黄疸 abate jaundice退翳明目 abate screens and brighten the eyes退翳明目 abate screens and brighten the eyes...
4 . 2 著录格式 析出责任者.析出题名.析出其他责任者.见:原文献责任者.原文 献题名.版本.出版地:出版者,出版年.在原文献中的位置 例: Weinstein L,Swartz M N.Pathogenic properties of invading microorganisms.In:Sodeman W A, Jr.,Sodeman W A,ed.Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease....
Mice, KnockoutMicePolycystic Kidney, Autosomal DominantDisease Models, AnimalGreen Fluorescent ProteinsMembrane ProteinsBlotting, Southern... K Nishio - 《Hokkaido Igaku Zasshi the Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science》 被引量: 0发表: 2004年 Linear actuator assisted knockout mechanism for a food patty ...