商标名称GAZOON 国际分类20-家具 申请/注册号70052399 商标状态商标已注册 申请日期2023-03-08 初审公告期号1853 初审公告日期2023-08-27 注册公告期号1865 注册公告日期2023-11-28 专用权期限2023-11-28-2033-11-27 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)义乌市高尊家居用品有限公司 申请地址(中文)浙江省义乌市北苑街道...
GAZOON 3天前 转发动态 崩坏星穹铁道 关注 互动抽奖#歌曲何者##崩坏星穹铁道##再创世的凯歌#《崩坏:星穹铁道》翁法罗斯主题曲MV——「何者」《崩坏:星穹铁道》 3.0版本「再创世的凯歌」将于2025年1月15日上线。 翁法罗斯主题曲「何者」 人声 Vocal Artist:谭晶...
《爆笑动物园 GAZOON》又被译为《非洲奇趣录》,源于法国,曾两次获奖,画面细腻,制作考究。用风趣幽默的对话讲述了非洲大草原上的一群野生动物们的快乐生活。包括大象、长颈鹿、猴子等等。针对2-5岁的儿童,该片用非常国际化的方式带给全世界的儿童一部精彩绝伦的动画片!
up, but entertaining for all. Based in a fantastical African savanna, an elephant, a snake, an ostrich, a pair of giraffes and others cross paths in humorous fashion. With no verbal dialogue, pleasant musical narrative and colorfully appealing visuals, Gazoon has a timeless international appeal...
Gazoon: Created by Laurence Trouvé, Romain Villemaine. Take a group of wild animals in the African savanna, add wacky behaviour, and you've got Gazoon - an animated comedy with a tender and surreal touch.
Composer Romain Villemaine See all filmmakers & crew (1) Trending Become a member to see MOVIEmeter and news information about Gazoon. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Box Office Become a member to see Box Office information about Gazoon.
Gazoon(2008– ) TV-G TV Series|30 min|Animation Edit pageAdd to list Track Take a group of wild animals in the African savanna, add wacky behaviour, and you've got Gazoon - an animated comedy with a tender and surreal touch.
#坑娃的动物# 法国获奖搞笑动画GAZOON|低幼动画(9) 低幼宝宝动画推荐(9) 《搞笑动物园》GAZOON又称《非洲奇趣录》,讲述的是一群生活在非洲的小动物的趣事。曾两次获奖,也是实力响当当。 3D形式,画风活泼。动物形象鲜明,科学严谨,例如蛇?从树上掉下来时,由盘卧到越来越快出溜下来,例如大象?的鼻子细节,...
up, but entertaining for all. Based in a fantastical African savanna, an elephant, a snake, an ostrich, a pair of giraffes and others cross paths in humorous fashion. With no verbal dialogue, pleasant musical narrative and colorfully appealing visuals, Gazoon has a timeless international appeal...