And given this debate matters to every single viewer, we at Sky News are going to follow every twist and turn each step of the way and explain what is going on - and who is winning. The promise, from the prime minister, is that he and his go...
It is necessary to relocate the debate in order to clearly perceive the legal questions at stake in the matter of the PNA Acceptance of Jurisdiction. I firmly believe that this action by the PNA is inherently intermingled with public law, and while public law and politics can coexist, crimina...
4 Shimon Naveh, discussion following the talk ‘Dicta Clausewitz: Fractal Manoeuvre: A Brief History of Future Warfare in Urban Environments’, delivered in conjunction with ‘States of Emergency: The Geography of Human Rights’, a debate organized by Eyal Weizman and Anselm Franke as part of ...
The Briefing News from around the world, analysis and debate. Next premiere Tuesday 18 February at 12:00 UK time All episodesView schedule Apple PodcastsSpotify Subscribe to the show Want more radio episodes like these in your inbox? Sign up to Monocle’s email newsletters to stay on top of...
and European policies and prevents pro-peace and justice politicians from ever having the opportunity to put those values, along with our basic human dignity, permanently on the table for public debate. 20. Finally, I am not Palestinian. I am not Arab. I am not Muslim. But I am human. ...
"In terms of where the position relates to the UK Labour Party and the Scottish Labour Party, I actually don't think there's much difference." Mr Sarwar said rather than focus on the position of two opposition parties, next week's debate should focus on how to get ...
“Syria has so little open debate. I am really amazed at how smart and congenial the debate section is here. ” We are well mannered, well sometimes, ok the blog has changed some of us, we can argue together, but there is an underlying tone of respect. (I even respect, the Arab na...
The seven MPs were initially suspended as Labour MPs in July when they voted against the new government during the King's Speech debate, calling for the two-child benefit cap to be scrapped. 13 hour ago13h ago22:31 Downing Street defends voice coach meeting during COVID -...
Ourpolitical correspondent Liz Batessaid while it had remained respectful thus far, the debate could get more confrontational as the stakes rise. Scrutiny of the assisted dying bill will continue later this afternoon, once MPs have had a lunch break. ...
I think at the moment, if you look, there’s very little appetite in Israel for a two-state solution. Netanyahu has made clear that he’s opposed to this. And I think you can see that he’s already drawing up the battle lines to fight the next election on a debate about a Palestin...