1594 0 梵唱聽出好心情 Gatatri mantra Kamini卡蜜尼 26 0 OM瑜伽·咒语《Gayatri Mantra》 Ashoka_西域妙音 904 0 Ganesha Mantra to remove obstacles格涅沙真言:移除一切障碍 米雅南达 140 0 萨古鲁 “Om”唱颂,消除负面能量,打坐,引导,疗愈 dynaster 7.5万 17 印度奇幻音乐 - 娜迦少女 ...
Chanting Gayatri Mantracreates specific energies.Gayatri mantrainspires righteouswisdom. In traditional Brahmin practice theGayatri Mantrais oftendevotionallyoffered to God at sunrise and sunset. It is aprayertoGod, as thedivine life giver, symbolized bySavitr(the sun), to inspire within us HisDivinit...
The Gayatri is essentially a mantra which invokes the Savitr. According to the vedas and other ancient scriptures, Surya, Savitr and Savitri are the names used to address the Sun. Numerous vedic hymns praise and offer worship to the Sun as Surya and Savitr. The Sun is not merely a natural...
Brohi. I’m intrigued by this mantra because often it short circuits. For instance, in new wave writings, it seems that the personal is the only thing left that is political, everything else has fallen aside. Also, my vantage point is Pakistan and here the religious right wing is the on...