Gayatri Mantra is used to worship theSun God, Savitr. ‘Gayatri’ means ‘illuminating.’ The name probably comes from the same word, which denotes ‘rays of light.’ Gayatri Mantra has many forms. One is Savitur Gayatri, which comes from the word ‘Savitri’, the name of the Divine Mot...
Gayatri mantra is considered to be the best means for connecting to God. Power of Gayatri Mantra Rishis and Munis chose the words for the Gayatri mantra and arranged them in such a manner that, the chanting of this mantra created a powerful force. Gayatri manta has a lot of significance ...
Savita, from which Savitur is derived, is another name of God, this being the reason that the Gayatri Mantra is often known as the Savitri Mantra. The implication of Savita is of God’s status as the fountain, the source of all things. It is through His Divine Grace that the Universe ...
Chanting Gayatri Mantracreates specific energies.Gayatri mantrainspires righteouswisdom. In traditional Brahmin practice theGayatri Mantrais oftendevotionallyoffered to God at sunrise and sunset. It is aprayertoGod, as thedivine life giver, symbolized bySavitr(the sun), to inspire within us HisDivinit...
Gayatri Mantra is a Mantra(vedic hymn) which inspires righteous wisdom. Its meaning is.."May the Almighty God may illuminate our intellect which may lead us to righteous path". This is the most important teaching. All the problems of a person are solved if he is endowed with the gift of...
My son, you should regard all woman up to the age of 24 as your mother; you should maintain celibacy, study sacred scriptures, and meditate on Gayatri Mantra which will be given to you today. May the Universal Mother Gayatri give you protection. The Guru invests him with the sacred thre...
mantra, but simply due to its utterance alone. The Gayatri mantra has both an intrinsic power (ie “mantra shakti”), through its mere utterance alone, and also an instrumental power (ie “prarthana shakti”), which is derived from the understanding of its meaning and philosophical significance...
things that can be seen. I am everywhere. In the mantra that is sung I am present in all the verses. Bhagwan(God) has said that the Gayatri Mantra sung is Me. This defines the importance of this mantra. Gayatri Mantra prayers are dedicated to Sun God. This prayer is of supreme ...
“Gayatri” is the feminine form of the word “Gayatra” which literally and most simply means “hymn,”“song,” or “chant.” Many say the term can also be defined as “the chant which liberates” or “the chant which saves.” The Gayatri Mantra’s other name, “Savitri,” literall...
There is an abundance of energy in this mantra. This mantra has a lot of impact. Lord Krishna told Arjun, I am present in all places and things that can be seen. I am everywhere. In the mantra that is sung I am present in all the verses. Bhagwan(God) has said that the Gayatri ...