This coming-of-age dramedy follows a diverse group of LGBTQ+ high school students who form a secret club as a safe space to explore their identities and support one another. As the characters navigate friendship, romance, and the challenges of high school life, the film offers a touching exp...
Wam Bam Thank You Spaceman (1975) Billie Jo Checkmate (1973) Hitgirl in Central Park Massage Parlor Murders! (1973) Sunny $100K Necromancy (1972) Spirit (1983 reissue) See all past film & video Past Television (1 title) Episodes Roughnecks (1980) (TV Movie) - Extra (uncredite...
Cheers (1982) Terry Farrell Reggie Kostas Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) Hattie Winston Margaret Wyborn Beverly Hills Cop III (1994) Shawnee Smith Linda The Blob (1988) Alex Désert Jake Malinak Swingers (1996) Saverio Guerra Bob Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000) Richard Gilliland...
Critics Consensus: An illuminating documentary that dispels misinformation and creates an informative space for the intersex community to reach Every Body through the trials and tribulations of gender expression and life. Synopsis: EVERY BODY is a revelatory investigation of the lives of intersex peopl...
and is a space in which interested researchers will find fertile ground to start. Diego Semerene’s (2021) essay on ‘creampies’—“the ejaculate excess that oozes out of a subject’s orifices after coitus,” (199) the ultimate in what Semerene terms ‘ejaculative kinship’ that, as we...
Gregg Wallace Apologizes for Response to ‘MasterChef’ Misconduct Allegations After U.K. Government Calls It ‘Inappropriate and Misogynistic’: ‘I Wasn’t in a Good Head Space’ 12/2/2024 by Ellise Shafer Variety Film + TV, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy...
Creating a space for Asian gay and lesbian representation has meant, among other things, deepening an understanding of what is at stake for Asians in com ing out publicly.12As is the case for many other people of color and especially immigrants, our families and our ethnic communities are a...
the existence of Grindr and Scruff, the need for an online dating arena specifically for queer women was clear — thus, HER. Founders of the award-winning app are committed to cultivating a space that’s “so ragingly queer" that frustrated women can delete apps that don't feel like home...
4. Accordingly, Goffman observes that stigma management is needed in public, not in one’s private space: “The area of stigma management, then, might be seen as something that pertains mainly to public life, to contact between strangers or mere acquaintances, to one end of a continuum whose...
identifications, movie-star performances, political screeds and heartbroken laments to challenge the exclusion and suppression of Wieners’ class and gender identity within a rapidly gentrifying city. Such poetry is a space of solace, then and now: a true gift, for activists, queer scholars,...