印度矿业集团阿达尼(Adani Group)创办人阿达尼(Gautam Adani)因涉嫌行贿2亿6500万美元(3亿5600万新元)而被美国检察官起诉后,集团债券和股票严重受压,旗下公司的市值在11月21日一天内蒸发270亿美元。
印度企业集团Adani Group董事长、亿万富翁Gautam Adani因涉嫌向印度官员行贿2.5亿美元以获得太阳能合同而被美国联邦法院起诉。 11月20日,包括Adani的侄子Sagar Adani在内的其他七名高管因涉嫌贿赂、证券和电信欺诈以及实质性证券欺诈而在纽约布鲁克林遭到起诉。 包括Adani的侄子Sagar Adani在内的其他七名高管也被起诉。图片...
The article presents brief profile of Gautam Adani, an Indian business tycoon and founder of the multinational conglomerate Adani Group. Topics discussed include information on his education in commerce ...
2022年,印度企业家Gautam Adani强势问鼎世界首富。最近一段时间,Gautam Adani的公司Adani Group被兴登堡(Hindenburg Research)做空。这不仅造成Gautam Adani失去首富的宝座,也让一众华尔街机构躺枪。 Adani Group 旗下的公司经历了巨大的抛售,截至上周,该集团的市值蒸发超过1100亿美元。此前,兴登堡的报告指责该集团“数十...
Amit started the business from scratch at each of the corporate i.e. Hindalco, Essar Oil Ltd and Adani Group. He developed Dry Cargo business for two Adani ports from scratch and signed long term contract with a revenue generation of more than 400 Crores (With Govt and private Sector ...
随着Adani Enterprises、Adani Port和Adani Transmission的Adani Group股票在周五的早期交易中在BSE上创下历史新高,Gautam Adani的实时净值反映了股市的飙升。 The Adani Group chairman has added more than US$70 billion to his fortune in 2022 (YTD). In February, he overtook Mukesh Ambani as the richest As...
印度阿达尼集团(Adani Group)股价周五进一步攀升,在该集团发表声明驳斥针对其董事长高塔姆1阿达尼(Gautam Adani)的贿赂指控后,该集团股价恢复了连日的涨势。 处于美国起诉风暴中心的阿达尼绿色能源公司(... 网页链接
【“印度首富”遭空头重创:1个月、60%市值蒸发、个人身价损失790亿美元!】在遭遇做空者袭击一个月后,印度富豪 Adani 的公司股价暴跌,财富大大缩水。截至周日,自做空机构兴登堡研究公司1月24日发布报告以来,Adani Group 旗下10家公司的股票总市值蒸发超过60%,达到了1450亿美元。上周五,Adani 股价单日下跌超过5%,市...
“This government handed over Dharavi to Adani,”Rahul Gandhi, India’s most prominent opposition leader, told a rally last week. Gandhi has accused Modi of enriching cronies such as Adani, whosebusiness interests have expandedin step with the prime minister’s ambitious nation-building plans. ...
Adani’s business calls have turned into gold, both in India and abroad, adding to investor confidence in his group, which has built businesses in infrastructure, mining, energy, digital and agro, amongst others. Much of his ventures appear to target being the biggest or largest in their genr...